How many more awards shows can Zooey Deschanel do this whole quirky girl routine for?
How many more awards shows can Zooey Deschanel do this whole quirky girl routine for?
The lender willed her art collection to the museum (where it had been on loan) when she died in 1951. Quoting the Guardian article on the ruling:
Wow. This was a really mean-spirited piece.
Since you seem to be unfamiliar with prosecution of domestic violence cases, the answer is yes, pics or it didn't happen.
Frankly, it sounds like, yes.
"This is GREAT! He's actually ASSAULTING HER and I'm getting shots of it! My rent is paid for the year!"
Huh. I've just got True Detectives and Girls on my radar tonight. And Revenge, which isn't great but I kind of watch it out of habit now.
Good point! You made me go do some research.
Ugh, yes. That always bugs me in stuff like Game of Thrones too (anything with a historical setting) - the men are all grubby and scarred and greasy-haired, as they should be, and almost all of the women are lovingly draped in velvet and chiffon with shaved legs and underarms.
I liked American Hustle as a film, but it kind of bugged me that the hot male actors were made to look as homely as possible - Bale had the extra weight and Bale, Jeremy Renner, and Bradley Cooper all had awful hair. Meanwhile, Jennifer Lawrence and Amy Adams were generally made to look super glamorous with loving…
According to the article Ke$ha's mother will be in the same facility. It sounds like Ke$ha wants her there but in my completely unprofessional opinion that sounds potentially problematic. I've never been through an in-patient treatment program so feel free to tell me I'm being an idiot, it just seems like this may…
I was flashed once and every time I tell the story to someone, they burst out laughing. It's not the way I tell it, I don't make jokes, I don't smile, I point out that it was starting to get dark and I was in the middle of fucking nowhere, and every single time, the other person laughs an goes 'oh, that is so gross!…
As much as Franco annoys me, I have to give him one reluctant prop for wanting to be known as an intellectual. Sure he's overexposed and tries waaaaay too hard and reminds you of that pretenti-douche in your sophomore English class that made it widely known the first week that he'd already read all the books on the…
Let's be fair here. Pretty much any dog could be crushed by an infant ogre. I mean, come on, those dudes are strong as fuck.
I can't wait for Bieber to be broke in 5-10 years.
I think it's more that TOR is great for people who KNOW it doesn't give complete anonymity, and needs to be used carefully and in specific ways. It helps, but it's not a set and forget kind of thing.
her upcoming projects: a trilogy of "erotic sex novels" followed by a Christian parenting book.
Needs more YOU GO GLEN COCO!