If you prefer a 10 point scale, divide his results by ten and round to the nearest whole number.
Excuse me? I'm going to ignore the fact that Rift was down from midnight to 4am every morning because of server issues.
People speak of D3 as if it was some kind of major flop.
Are you referring to the piece of shit bi-weekly events which requires you to do the same thing over and fucking over while not offering anything that can be fully experienced at your own leisure?
Can someone please ban this motherfucker?
Because fuck you is why.
I am pretty sure its like Samus' screw attack. They are moving so quickly that it normalizes.
Get over myself? Get over what? Me saying that you are full a shit? how about you get over what i said if you know what you are not full of shit? You need to pull your head out of your ass.
You don't seem British at all. You seem like a random cunt on the Internet that does not understand humor.
Guys / Gals.. It's a fucking Joke. OBVIOUSLY its a joke. Fucking Christ Man. We appreciate you typing "250000 pounds to dollars" into google but do you REALLY think that they didn't know how to do that?
See Above / Below
It is depressing how many people do not understand the meaning of a metaphor. Holy fuck some people are dumb. This guy went out of his way to say, "NOT Literally of course" and there are still people bitching about it. Holy shit people.
"If they can genetically alter themselves, why haven't they kept the ability to communicate with normal human beings?"
What are you? 5?
You are a piece of shit.
He didn't live near a school at the time. That was his old address. People joke about shit far worse every day but none of them expect to have their lives destroyed by it. This kid is more than likely going to be released due to public outcry and he will more than likely commit suicide.
I response to a comment about a LoL match you fuck.