
The post below contains SPOILERS.

It has the exact pace of the Manga. This can be a good or a bad thing. But in the Manga it took 15 + 39 pages from him to successfully move the Boulder.

This conversation would be a lot shorter if we have Weboh describe what he think Evolution is.


It is actually pretty simple. If the weather seed is updated every 48 hours, this means connecting every 24 hours, even in the 24 hours on the border of 48 hours would mean that you can get the updated information.

You are really bad at conveying sarcasm.

This is so oh my god this is the greatest e3 ever.


No. You were unable to extrapolate the rest of what i was saying, and therefore had the, "Wait what? You are missing something" effect. There was no typo. Just and abrupt end to the sentence mid word. I did say it was childish.

Like how hard it is for me to "extrapolate da (sic)".

Like how hard it is for me to "extrapolate da (sic)".

Yeah lets just agree to disagree. Its hard to argue against a feminist because everything is too black and white.

lol point taken.

I know what you meant, which is why i included examples with teenage girls and boys. And i agree that it should change. But you need to change society. I'm sorry but unless 51% of females start purchasing CoD, directors have absolutely no incentive to add a strong female lead.

For some odd reason what i typed did not show up. I meant to say that since you only like the single player CoD is the wrong game for you. Maybe you should try crysis 1 or 2 or metro last light maybe.

"Singleplayer is the only (somewhat) worthwhile bit of the game"

The reason why they cater to teenage boys as opposed to teenage girls is the same reason why barbie is market to female girls as opposed to female boys. There are a lot of boys that play with barbies, however that is not an "acceptable" (notice the quotes) gender role for boys, therefore they get to play with action

You know what is silly? Reading what i type line by line and forming a response line by line instead of reading everything what i typed and accepting it as a whole.

Feminism != Gender Equality
Being Against Feminism != Being Against Gender Equality.

The right for equal pay (baring maternity leave and junk) is a battle for gender equality, not feminism. What's the difference? Feminists want to even the playing field by dragging men down. Proponents of Gender Equality wants women to

Really? Nobody called this guy out on this bullshit remark yet?