
That wont work properly. It would take way too much time to adjust it for proper view and special lenses for color re-correction.

Keep in mind the size of the die is like a finger nail

The irony is that there are also white people that speak that way (like tiny tina) but most people are fucking assholes atm.

Another day, another bullshit accusation of racism.

Sony is re-branding the "Emotion Engine" concept for the ps4, placing major emphasis on character detail and realism.

Seems like bitching to me.

I disagree with you on the final fantasy 13 part. Change the name and the spells from the final fantasy names and people would of ate the "final fantasy killer" up.

This is as much of a game as a 5 minute clip on youtube is a movie, yet people don't lump 5 minutes of gore with the entire movie industry.

It's a review, not social commentary.

If that's what you got for it you fail at reading comprehension.

Its just you. Do you know the meaning of "Paragraph"?

Define how spending $350 bucks for a PCI-E graphic card is different from spending $350 for a property card?

As a computer enthusiasts i already get overpriced proprietary bullshit parts, so nothing changes. Also any apple product is a horrible example because they are manufactured to discourage personal upgrading. It so bad that adding more ram voids your warranty for some of the more expensive ones.

Did you ignore the whole, "3 piece modular design which allows a part to be swapped out as technology upgrades" part?

I wish people like you got the shit banned from the internet

No. You did not respond to everything i said. You responded to everything you think i said. Because we are clearly talking about two different things.

I am not reading the bullshit you type until you spend the time to read and process everything that i type.

How is a black person, one who according to this thread has personally experienced real racism get to have a privileged position about not wanting to call every misunderstanding racism?

In my humble opinion, you cannot be racist without intent. Let me put it like this. Two kids are playing. One throws what he thought was a cup of water onto his little brother, however it was a cup of acid. One of the kid gets horrifically burned.