

No. Call of Juarez: The Cartel was explicitly racist. Don't get me wrong. There is a line that can be drawn in the sand.

It belittles the hundreds of cases of real racism. If we keep this shit up, a man can gut a black man simply because the man is black, but you'd find it hard to pin a hate crime on him because racism also includes calling a black person black apparently. Or forgetting to bag a can of corn into someone's grocery bag.

I don't get it.

Lets work on your post from bottom to top.

One thing i kinda hate...put a red neck in a game, it's ok. Put a black person in the game that believes in voodoo it's racist.

Did you have a Ps2 from the future?

The fuck are you talking about? What does a 2007 story about a guy in the Philippians using a malachite have to do with what happened in china yesterday?

Now playing

Megaman by Lil Wayne Samples Megaman 2 iirc

Clicks on Article saying not to directly compare Xbox360 and WiiU CPUs. Proceed to compare Xbox360 cpu to the Wii U's.

I have no idea what you typed. It is very hard to read.

God i'm tried of these stupid ass arguments. You hate WoW now. Plain and simple. WoW can give you everything you want and more at this point but you'd still find a flaw with it. You call of random personal beliefs that has no bearing on the majority of the market.

Can you rewrite this statement so that it would be less confusing? I don't know if i should agree or disagree with you.

And Physics calculations are historically calculated by the CPU, however nvidia GPUs can now handle physics calculations.

You are using words but i don't think you actually understands how it works. AI is not that cpu intensive. If it is cpu intensive then you are doing something wrong; the problem is with the algorithm, not the hardware.

I now remember why i don't look at IGN for reviews anymore.

I can't tell if you are being sarcastic or not.

How was TBC far superior than it's successors?

The double fine game. Take a shot of your alcohol of choice whenever Brad muir says "Like" in this video.