
Also based on the content above,

Compare games within the 1 year launch window for the Xbox360 and the Ps3 to games within the 1 year launch window of the Wii U.

You are correct in your assessment but you have the mentality that since WoW cannot hold everybody forever, it went down hill and is steamrolling towards becoming a failure. At least that is the jest of the argument that i got.

Nah. The game did evolve and it remained dynamic. It just did not grow into the direction that you want it to grow in and did not become what you want it to become.

Myst is better than Burning Crusade so it clashes with their reality, forcing them to make mental hops and guesses to justify their hate for the game.

I don't know. Seem to be a dumbass to me.

Oh. Ok then.

No. I mostly think the Wii U is a piece of shit and i wont waste a dime on it until it gets a real Metroid Game.

Keep in mind that although it may use a 16-bit memory bus, we have no idea how the memory is being encoded or sequence. I'll take a 16-bit parallel bus over a 64-bit serial bus anyday.


Your opinion on who is the last remaining talented development teams does not mean shit to me. You keep your bullshit subjective opinions to yourself.

Uhhhh...i just went to that website and literally every single thing about the Wii U on that site is a failure. They also have an article called, "Why the Wii U will fail" and "Why the wii U Launch was a failure" and "Retailers are already discounting Wii U Games"(the latter referring to black friday sales, in which

I totally agree with you in cases where it makes sense. A game like Heavy Rain getting mixed reviews based on the merits of the game is fine. A game like Asuras wrath getting mixed reviews based on things within the game is fine.

Ummm. I really think someone should launch some investigation into GameSpot, IGN and Game Informer reviews.

Because her performance name is "Utada Hikaru" which also happens to be her name. In the Us, her performance name is "Utada". Its a choice by her.



The blizzard app itself was not compromised. People enjoy jailbreaking their phones to get free shit. On the Iphone specifically, one of the jailbreaking software installed a program that copied your authentication code and looked at your email addresses on your phone.

Yeah. Brinks, Locks, Security Bars, Steel Doors, Deadbolts and security cameras are totally not cool.