
Holy fuck there is a lot of concentrated stupidity in this thread.

The paper was about Moral Relativism in shows like Dexter and Dollhouse where we as viewers support the protagonist regardless of their crimes. When compared to people like the Skinner in season 3, we as viewers acknowledge and realize that Dexter would never do the type of things that the Skinner does, and since he

I actually just did a paper that has Dexter in it. I really love the way that the writers work on cultural issues. They present things in a negative light; juxtaposed with the fact that Dexter is a serial killer. It often causes the viewer to question how they feel about something, "Dexter is a murderer but we can

Turns out that lightning is the shinigami for the final fantasy 13 vs game. You heard it here first.

Honestly, i cannot consider him a dick. You can say that he does not know when to hold his mouth or he is very opinionated, but most of his statements are, quite frankly, true.

Are you children fucking stupid or are you retarded? This article has absolutely nothing to do with the other choices. It simply covering the other choice.

Its really ironic that you call him a dick RL, especially because the history of the song playing in this very video.

Maybe i am dumb,

When you say, "Made in like, maya or whatever" what do you mean? Do you have a problem with them making models using the industry standard modelling and animation program?

Point 1, 2 and 3 are all related. They don't need to be their separate points, but i can understand why you would consider point number 2 another point though so its coo.

Blizzard never screws the pooch. They delivered what they set out to do, and that was good enough.

One of the two girls one cup ladies did an interview where she stated that the first time she tasted it she vomited, then it became an acquired taste after that.

You know what else has an acquired taste? Shit.

No. I will not give Tom McShea credit. It's assholes like him that gets people to take the "OMG DEATH SIMULATOR!" bullshit argument seriously.

You should like you are still in middle school.


Honestly Kotaku should bring back Banhammer Mondays and Commenter Executions to ban douchewaffles like Joshua Brown .

This is the back story and her first adventure; she has yet had the time and experience to become the Laura that you know and love.