You would not whine if you were stranded on an island and have a giant piece of wood stab you in your chest?
You would not whine if you were stranded on an island and have a giant piece of wood stab you in your chest?
You don't want to know. Some people are just nasty.
Working as a technician I've seen worse. Take what you see in this video and add a dead rat and a roach hive.
It boils down to pirating. Blizzard does not want it's game to be pirated. Also blizzard has highly advanced server code which seems all but unbreakable. You can emulate a server but you could never get certain scripts up and running properly.
That is a stupid assumption.
Well you should take an ignorant shit flap test to check your stubbornness.
You are clearly biased. Were this a court you would be seen unfit to join the jury.
That would be nice.
lol. Someone released a statement so that makes they are guilty. Got it.
What do you mean they didn't comment? EA's Lawyer Comment was a part of the article. Did you even read the article?
Jeff Vogel should have nothing to say until he makes a version of exile 3 that works on 64-bit systems.
You don't seem to know how court works.
I understand where you are going with this, but keep in mind that its launch day and quite frankly all blizzard launches are more populated that they anticipate.
lol. People who are saying they beat the game in about 6 hours are talking out their ass and or doing diablo wrong. More than likely they are going based off the time that the world first Korean kill was clocked at.
How about you simply not equip the templar with a shield until he is actually in your party?
This is not a news site. It's a blog.
Its because you need a minimum amount of those stats to be functional. Base stats are all but irrelevant now. And, again, if you had full reign on character stats you'd just dump them into an optimal place, which is more of a chore than a choice.
Thats the funny thing: