Ralf A. Lott

Besides Baby Ruth (born 1921), here’s a sample of others you missed:

Ok, so if you’d had YouTube back in fifth grade, how would you have demonstrated the Skyhook-to-tonsils move?

He claimed he never swallowed. Does that count?

I suppose the 94-year old Baby Ruth has deliberately been left out of the discussion due to fears that someone will excavate an original from the bowels of their grandparents’ freezer and send it to you.

It’s not like the Septic Bladder and Ginger Wiener play anything other than publicity and money games. I doubt your friends will be persuaded there’s a trickle-down effect from Bladder.

Sounds like our summer entertainment will include -

But you don’t deserve hoof - in - mouth...

Very illuminating, thanks.

That’s an interesting article. Nice job. Manfred seems to be open to fresh ideas; maybe he can do for baseball what the pope is doing for wine and wafer consumption.

Too late, I picked it up at Wrigley on opening day.

Damn, now I’m stumped.

Just to make sure I understand your gift.... You’re offering us AL fans the clap?

That’s why all hitters should receive mandatory training in:

Somewhere between a mess and a pile....

Only when mixed with Funyans.

Actually, Bones has been delivering Hoovers, thus the Funyans. The condoms were for bagging the weed.

Hmmm... is that one crime or two? (Not counting leaving the Funyans.)

Had he been sober and not already through a case of twinkies, he might have thought to leave the cash and mash the Funyans down his drawers instead.

Is there a video?

True, but is it really necessary to spill ink on the word every time anyone does something bad enough that it could lead to a conviction?