5. A need for control
Fuck Baby Yoda, Alligator Loki is our new god
When one of my good friends from high school finally came out to us it was an emotional thing for him and us all. After the tears and hugs and such my other friend said bluntly to break the ice “We always sorta kind of suspected but based on your terrible fashion sense we figured you were just really bad with girls”.…
F is for friends who do stuff together?
Websites that use autoplay videos? I’m not sure why we use these things.
fuck you it’s none of your business if I read the email or not
Yep, that kind of vocabulation embiggins us all
It strikes me as perfectly cromulent!
It amuses me to no end that Etan Cohen’s entire Hollywood career is based on people reading his name too quickly and assuming he’s an Oscar-winning auteur.
The movie is a classic. Fuck everyone else.
‘Cabin Boy’ was a work of pure genius. I saw it when it came out and loved it from start to finish. 1994 gave us Ace Ventura Pet Detective, Maverick and The Flintstones. ‘Cabin Boy’ is Citizen Kane compared to those pieces of garbage.
That’s two more editors than Kinja has!
Excuse me that’s Dr. Mrs. The Monarch.
Nope. Willfully, as in they know their sound set up is bad for others, but they continue to use that setup.
Does this renewed interest mean that we’re due for a gritty Supervan reboot?
You’re supposed to smash it on their coffee/kitchen table, counter top...pretty much any open edge or house pet.
And not a little one, either.
It’s too long to remember. I just keep it on a couple post-it notes on my laptop screen.