
Go back in time, noting speeds and directions of various meteors, and zap them to just above any invading aliens. rock beats spaceship. end of movie. 

Weekly World News

I worked for a place that did business in the middle east, and using the term ‘execute’ had unfortunate baggage. The business did the right thing and changed the term. 


Well these guys are bishops...

No uncoded transmissions during....

They need to have a long term goal of removing the nuclear armed species down the road galactically with minimal damage to a potential habital world. You land, throw out the cure for cancer and round up the top species and kill them behind the scenes. Probably takes about ten years to complete all the way up to world

DUDE. The kid told the media over a year ago that he was going to college. Unless cloning got way better, he ain’t gonna be on the show.

That’s exactly what I thought coming out of the movie. “Good luck, Abe. Somebody took a big shit on your star wars expectation.” I swear that made me enjoy the whole thing, front to back.

safeties? (looks at the crazy slamming blast doors.)

for gods sake, 1968 Falcon...they are yellow.

i see what you did there

I vote Kevin James as his Paul blart character

I’m not sure these movies are being watched.

Why in the name of magneto is cannonball wearing moon boots?

Psycho killers?

(runs to nearest patent office)

That is some impressive targeted advertising.