
Inner thought: Ooh new WYTS article. I’ll grab a Jimmy John’s sandwich and eat it while reading.

Let me be among the first to remind you that in addition to the atrocities listed above, Stan Kroenke also owns the Arsenal football club.

We take a summer trip from Duval to Chicago every June to visit my sister. And every summer I’m putting my house up for sale, because Chicago is just so much more than Jacksonville. Then I wind up going back for business between October and the end of the year, and I’m like “Nah, bruh! You can keep all of this.”

Hi. Can you come a block off of Colfax and catch the clowns at 14th and Corona, please? Also, can you install an electric charger in my lot so I can have an apartment and an electric car. I would buy this in a heartbeat.

I have a three-year-old son with autism, a 10-month-old son, and a couple of anti-vaxxer in-laws.

This is some total navel-gazing community BS, but since I used to actively participate in said community...

Between Brett Favre’s dick pics, Buttfumbles and Tim Tebow this team has been really kind to Deadspin in terms of generating content. Thank you LOLJets.

That hug is making me tear up. I’m such a sucker for the Olympics.

As a CU-Boulder alum, my favorite CSU memory is the ads they used to put on public buses in Boulder advertising their “Psychoalogy” summer school classes

Bill Mc Cartney has forgotten more spelling than those posers from Ft. Collins ever knew.

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with going to the zoo as an adult with no kids. Anyone who says otherwise is a communist.

I’m calling bullshit. Everyone knows Iggy is more of a Flatirons Crossing man.

While I’m happy that Harriet Tubman is replacing Jackson on the $20, I would consider giving my left nut if instead they replaced him with Sherman and then drowned the South in twenties.

chicken tenders? i dont believe ive ever seen those in any baseball concession stand ever.

This list is exactly the kind of list you’d expect an NYC/northeast crowd to put together. New Orleans as a top 10 city in the USA? I mean, it’s a lot of fun and has a great culture but it also has a lot of deep-rooted problems you wouldn’t encounter as a tourist. The way things are run there, and in Louisiana in

San Diego is like going to beautiful Hawaii but staying at a Ramada near a beach, being surrounded by a bunch of assholes who are also not from there.

New York City is the CrossFit of cities.

Chicago is fun but you can’t be the 2nd best city if everybody leaves the first chance they get. Also, you’re going to get hassled to go to somebody’s improv show.

No, Denver is terrible. Don’t come here. It sucks.

odd, since for so much of his life Osweiler has been the bigger man