
Former San Diegean here and though I became a Broncos fan during my time when I was in college in Colorado, i totally get your sentiments. I fell out of love with the Bolts because of the way that criminal Spanos family has been shaking down San Diego since after the 1995 Superbowl. I

The Chargers’ goodbye was particularly heartbreaking because, of the three teams involved in this disaster, they’ve been in one place the longest, and because the Chargers are just as snake-bitten and allergic to ultimate success as the Buffalos and Clevelands of the world

Oh bless you, for putting the words to the feelings I’ve had about the Chargers leaving.

San Diego, you have been liberated from a greedy, assbag owner who wanted you to pay for his playground and a tone-deaf sports league that literally doesn’t care about anything other than money, revels in stupidity, and is slowly killing its players. And all it cost you was eight days a year of overpriced tickets and

I like a guy from St. Louis - recently crowned America’s Murder Capital! - calling Chicago a toilet.

Well, you know, in St Louis the cops shoot black people. Meanwhile, in Chicago....

glamorous and refined Chicago

Manning: My foot’s really been bothering me doc. I think it’s really affecting my play lately.

I really feel that this whole thing is blown out of proportion by alarmists like Bill O'Reilly and his fictional "War on Christmas." I'm not a Christian, but if someone wishes me a Merry Christmas, I wish them a Merry Christmas back. If someone wishes me a Happy Hannukah, I wish them a Happy Hannukah back (no, I'm not