
it wasn’t limited when they bought it. These houses sat there unclaimed for years.

do the world a favor and grow the fuck up. IT IS A VIDEO GAME, A VIDEO GAME. the only thing the people who plop down the 12 to 16 bucks to play the game are entitled to is to play the game the only think player housing is good for is dick measuring and through hard work and commitment these two have shown they have

It is not hard at all to amass crazy amount of gil if you are a dedicated crafter and gatherer. It’s also not illegal (or immoral) to have alts, or to transfer gil to those alts. These players have done nothing even remotely unethical. People saying it’s “unfair” are just mad because they lack the time or patience to

See John Gabriel’s Greater Internet Dickwad Theory.

Church Of Our Savior, Florida, U.S.A

This just comes across to me as the Union being pissed that they didn’t get theirs and that by the symphony going non-union it allows musicians who don’t want to be a union member opportunities to work without paying union dues.

90 musicians got paid last night for putting on a gig. The union got none of that money.

Nope, they can boycott things all they like, but they'll look like immature little brats when it comes to something as subjective as art. If you don't like it, don't support it, and ignore it outright. Don't spend time and money bringing attention to something you don't care about. Similar to how some children cry

​Ask Dr. Nerdlove: How Do I Ask Out The GameStop Girl?