
The irony of allowing alcohol but not marijuana is hilarious. One day society will look back and laugh.

1. I, personally, don’t mind Ford attempting to claw back some profits from the nearly-useless car dealers.

OEM’s (and most franchise operators) always have programs like this. They update what they want their outlets to look like, feel like and offer all the time. Sometimes they are optional, but a lot of the time they aren’t. When you see a fast food chain getting an image refresh, it isn’t because the franchisee wanted

The NADA’s aversion to EVs isn’t really about EVs per-se. There are three key issues:

That guy is solidly Gen X like me. But I gotta say, entitled moron doing something stupid in public” is kind of the Boomer brand.

I’m a firm believer that you should be able to not only turn right on red, but also go straight, or turn left on red if a safe opportunity presents itself 

I very much regret to say this, but that is actually a beautiful-looking thing.

I can’t go through your entire diatrabe of garden variety often debunked swarm of negativity (it’s already past 1AM here and I’m too tired), so I’ll just say that electrification is still rapidly ongoing, and you shouldn’t judge tomorrow by the state of today.

Yeah, imagine how many shit overly heavy, thirsty crappy ass hybrids with double power trains and even more failure points you could make, instead of switching over to clean electric-only vehicles.

Is the Dacia Sandero out yet?

Now you’re never going to drive your precious little car again you ignorant old buzzard.

GM needs to get it together. Other than the Corvette And the Bolt that they canceled I can’t think of anything they make that really gets my attention. Giant, oversized trucks are about the only thing keeping them afloat. The rest are mostly forgettable, vanilla SUVs and crossovers using shitty V6's that tend to

he also had a history of speeding offenses

We can shut it down. we have the winner for most un-educated comment for today. 

Has he tried not being a cunt?

So, it should tell you something about the state of the Democratic Party that this man is presently polling ahead of President Biden in key swing states.

Hyundai/Kia sold some pretty crappy cars early on like their old Mitsubishi engined Excels. It wasn’t until around 2011 that they became more respectable.

It’s the trend.

The media has been after EVs for a long time (except Tesla).

From https://www.anl.gov/esia/light-duty-electric-drive-vehicles-monthly-sales-updates