
The Bolt is selling in record numbers. More Hummer EVs have been sold in the last 3 months than in the 16 previous months combined. US EV sales are up 50% year over year.

For a large part of this country, the distances are too great and people drive too many miles for electric cars

This will definitely lead to an improvement in the situation - if this passes, the police will shrug and say, “I can’t do nothin’, file a report” instead of “I can’t do nothin’, file a report.

A cop showing up to a car break in hahaha...yeah fucking right, that header photo is one of the least realistic things I’ve ever seen and I’ve seen the live action Spawn movie.

LOL, nice story bro. I doubt you’ve ever been here, but keep on with your dirty lil MAGA fantasy. Like anyone would want you here anyway. 

A little less than 30% of households live in multi-family dwellings.  

At least for as long as we still have a democracy to engage in.

Evidently this is perfectly OK under CA law for them to do this. Which is, of course, bullshit. Be careful who you vote for...

I think everyone wants a car as close to free as possible but I won’t argue against buyers: The cars less than $20,000 don’t sell and haven’t sold for a long time which is why there are fewer and fewer of them.

We know competetively priced EVs sell. Record sales for the Bolt and Model 3/Y show this.

Same here.  2015 Model S.  I was at 160K miles with 90% battery retention.

This: Toyoda is on a PR tour to justify his poor leadership.

Toyota’s actions of late remind me a lot of Microsoft from the 80's - 2010's

Everything about Toyota on this doesn’t compute.

I don’t think Toyota can lecture me on EVs until they actually make a Prime for actual sale.

Q3 2023 EV sales in the U.S. were up around 50% year-over-year vs Q3 2022. Hardly a “I told you so” moment.

They just posted Toyota PR without verifying it with hard numbers. I posted in a different post the Prius they are saying is selling well compared to EVs (which they use misleading comparisons of the F150 Lightning supply vs Prius) actually is selling worse than mediocre selling EVs, much less hot sellers like the

Is there perhaps a general decline in car sales as a whole, due to the whole economy in turmoil thing, that is equally effecting gas cars?”

After a relatively hot last couple of years, EV sales have cooled off. A lot of American buyers don’t want them

When did Jalop get such a weird, albeit slight, anti EV stance?