
Does anyone else find it odd that the perpetrators come down the street and only target that car?”

He could have just made them eat the fish. 

Honestly, I thought about taking the time to adjust lighting on the pacifier, but instead decided to get the post out. Now I wish I’d taken another pass

I might be able to muster up some empathy if all his problems weren’t knowingly and willingly self inflicted.

It reads like they forded or something.  Not excusing Tesla but did they drive through deep water or something?

And we will continue to shit on them at every opportunity to keep it that way.

Please, automotive industry, stop trying to shove yolk steering wheels down our throat. We don’t dig it.

Awww, ain’t that cute.

The value is from the platinum and other elements inside them.

I’d be more worried about NZ’s steady shift to the right. After striking down a constitutional change that would have recognized First Nations in said document, voters chose a party lead by a former airline executive.

There’s 18 GOP members in Biden-won districts who are up for re-election in 2024, 12 Far-Right members who just want to watch the world burn, and George Santos who is about to be thrown under the bus by his own party.

Yeah, this. The problem is that the laws that already exist to protect pedestrians and bikers aren’t enforced. At all. In my county the only solution to people running past stopped school buses was to put red-light style cameras on the side of school buses. In one month, one!, they handed out more than 500 tickets.

This is more a story about how serious England takes traffic safety and enforcement. Two years suspension and 200 hours community serivce? In the US you don’t even get that if you kill a pedestrian.

Like the ludicrous lowering to 20 mph on many S.F. streets - the argument is peds were getting hit by cars going fast... but if cops weren’t ticketing cars going 30 mph or more, when it was 25 mph, then lowering the speed limit to 20 mph doesn’t do anything except infuriate and further delay drivers.  (Who then drive

In downtowns, sure, but in the suburbs it makes no sense to NOT have the ability to turn right on red.

This is, entirely, a problem with selfish idiot drivers who refuse to accept the primacy of safety over all else. It has absolutely nothing to do with “right on red”. The selfish idiots will find a way to get you regardless of the laws on the books. The solution is far more rigorous driver testing and re-testing than

Nah, leave it up to local municipalities to make their call. I’ve had countless hours of my life wasted yearly due to having to wait at intersections at red lights where absolutely zero cars passed through the intersection for the entirety of the light cylce as I was waiting for green. I’d add ban the bs left turn

I legitimately thought this was a story about a Fisker model called the Ocean Flipper that didn’t make it to production. RIP Flipper!

What do you mean, he rated it the top new EV

Dude said he was in his 50's, not 80's. You don’t think they will continue to get better in the next 20 years before he needs them?