
By chance is this the skipper of the boat?

The Democrats handed 2004 to Bush on a silver fucking platter. In fact 2004 is when I started using the phrase “never underestimate a Democrats ability to lose an election”

I’m sure that President Pence (sorry, I have to go vomit now)

He should have run in fucking 2016 instead of the only candidate the Democrats have who could have lost to Trump. But NOOOOO it was “her turn” nevermind that she’s the most disliked and distrusted politician since at least Nixon it was her turn.

You can’t just snap your fingers and say, “I don’t like what the data concludes.’

But that’s not a Buick!

Maybe if folks like you had said things like that less earlier in the year we’d not be looking at a thin skinned narcissist with tiny hands getting ready to take office next month.

You realize of course you could also sell this bumper sticker to Trump supporters who would proudly display it next to their “Hillary for Prison” sticker on the back of their lifted truck.

I wish she would have won but her whole private E-Mail server was pretty fucking indefensible.

I don’t think it’s fair to paint our historical relationship with Taiwan as hands off as you are. Yes we have danced around the issue of whether or not they are a sovereign nation but at the same time we have been providing them arms for decades including (reasonably) modern Destroyers and Frigates and fighter

If I knew the person suing me was “represented” by her I’d breathe a sigh of relief. Nobody with a legitimate case would ever allow themselves to be part of one of her media sideshows.

I’m sorry I just can’t get over how much that guy looks like a douchebag.

Most of my car chargers have one QC 2.0 port and one 2.0 or 2.4A USB port. I only use the QC port for when I really need to charge quickly because any kind of “fast charging” (QC, USB PD, etc.) will cause more heat and stress on your battery and cause it to wear out faster. This is especially important as most

Most of my car chargers have one QC 2.0 port and one 2.0 or 2.4A USB port. I only use the QC port for when I really

Ugh, I want to support these protesters because I think their cause cause is just and I am just impressed that they are staying even despite the conditions out there (between the weather and the treatment by authorities) but holy crap do my eyes roll every time I read them being described as “water protectors”, what a

I prefer something like this ;)

Some days I just want to sit back, relax and welcome the Trumpocalypse.

Really that Hippo was 3000 pounds of do whatever it wants.

As opposed to an Active STD which is no fun at all.

I think much more likely the RX driver was staring at their phone and didn’t even notice the red light.

Of course the response to this from Trump’s supporters and surrogates will be something along the lines of “don’t let the door hit you on the way out”.