
They’re both socially liberal but mostly it’s because they are both viewed as the most viable alternative to the “establishment” candidates. A bit of Trump’s support is from this angle as well.

The only position you agree with him on?

5 if you count the tacky dealer sticker.

“It’s frustrating because GM doesn’t deserve to be down this much.”


Can we pay more attention to the actual victims of Donald Trump’s depravity and less to Gloria Allred’s sideshows du jour? Please?

One fatal crash in the U.S., yeah Tesla’s are real serial killers alright.

Sorry I don’t consider myself much of a gramarrian but that woman really needs to learn the difference between “their” and “there”. Here repeated incorrect use of “there” immediately makes me less sympathetic to her plight and then when I read the details of her situation I view her as being unreasonable, where I

The current (“grille”-less) Model S looks really dumb IMO. I get that the original Model S had a completely useless fake grille and by that standard it makes sense to delete it but the car was styled around that fake grille and without it the front end looks awful.

The current autopilot is already substantially safer than human drivers, so Tesla’s already saving people not killing people. As they continue to improve and refine the system they will just increase the safety factor which will increase the number of people saved.

The only thing they could reveal that would get me (re-) interested in the Model 3 was the announcement of a hatch or wagon option.

He should be careful what shop he goes to, some of them are snake oil salesmen.

I read an article a few years ago that said that the quality of service went way up resulting in much fewer delays or lost bags once the checked bag fees became real moneymakers for the airlines. Basically when the airlines were handling bags for free they were bad at it but once they started making millions off of

Sadly many of his supporters think that we should in-fact “defeat islam”.

I see the tired old trope that Dr. Rice is a “war criminal” who “lied” about Iraq’s WMD program to justify the invasion in the comments.

Is that what the election is about? I thought it was a referendum on the question of whether Hillary was so awful that even a racist thin skinned narcissist with a bad spray tan is a viable choice.

Why oh why couldn’t we have her as the GOP nominee instead of this guy?

I’m a Republican and I agree with you 100%, these obstructionist assholes can fuck right off.

Pretty sure the Z is intentional inferring that the media is comprised of “Zionists” which are akin to Nazis.

Michael Weinstein is the worst, I used to think he was just naive, that he thought that the straight porn industry would accept condoms or maybe just shut down.