I’m not a Chevy fan but I’d consider the Bolt WAY before the Cruze diesel. Then again I’m the current (but not for long) owner of a diesel I’m not very happy with.
I’m not a Chevy fan but I’d consider the Bolt WAY before the Cruze diesel. Then again I’m the current (but not for long) owner of a diesel I’m not very happy with.
The engines aren’t the problem so much as the exhaust system. The problem is the cars were designed around the exhaust system they have, one that doesn’t even have the components they’d need (mostly a urea injection system) to be compliant so retrofitting such a system is very difficult (and expensive).
It’s actually more complex than you think.
Mercedes Benz owners vs Mercedes Benz lessees.
I think you’re branching out too far from the discussion at hand.
FYI, even if Bush v Gore was decided in Gore’s favor Bush still would have been President Decider it just would have taken longer to be made official due to the time involved in doing Gore’s requested statewide hand recounts.
There can only be one Notorious RBG in the universe at any one time.
I hope they do but my guess is they think that whichever pro-business shill (who happens to tick some number of “diversity” checkboxes) Hillary will nominate will be more to their liking.
I agree with you and I’m a Republican.
I call BS on this entire scenario, according to the local police 100% of all sex workers are victims of human trafficking and 95% are under the age of 12.
People with legitimate cases do not let Gloria Allred “represent” them. Really all this woman does is create media sideshows that accomplish nothing besides getting Gloria Allred on TV briefly.
But really it’s all OK because she embarrassed the George W. Bush administration and besides she should be excused because she’s transgender. /s
The car was just trying to go for the high ground.
Looks like California plates on most of those cars including the Sienna. If I had to guess I’d say (hella) NorCal or maybe Orange County.
I assure you they did press the brake, and when their car “suddenly accelerated” the pressed the brake even more.
You’re broken.
I’m a lifelong Republican and while I don’t share your Joy I agree with your assessment of the situation.
Dame Helen Mirren is one of my favorite actresses, in fact almost enough to get me to watch a FnF movie that she’s in (I gave up on the series when I learned they were making more past Furious 7 (the death of Paul Walker should have meant the end of the series)).
He tried once but it wouldn’t stay on, the condom was too yuge.