
I don’t think even the likes of the NRA have suggested that arming school children would prevent or reduce these shootings. What they have argued for in the past is that teachers and other school staff should be able to carry guns in school so they can respond to a shooter before the police arrive.

If they have moved to the suburbs their standard of living has improved.

The power of sea stories knows no bounds.

I swear Dodge trucks are the tackiest, most ugly things to come out with 4 wheels and a bed since at least the Crapalanche.



I’m willing to cut the cops more slack than many people here seem to and I do agree that the still frame they have released so far makes it seem like this was a case of suicide by cop but it’s seriously sketchy that they were able to identify and release a single frame image of a video file just hours after the

Eh, at least they are driving their cars in a manner that they should be driven, which can’t be said of most supercar owners.

That only works in the movies. Shooting a suspects hand, especially if it’s moving, is extremely difficult even for trained shooters (and most street cops really aren’t).

Every time this article gets reposted (seems like every year) I call BS on the notion that people actually believe that the flu shot will give them the flu. I think this is a straw man argument designed to make people who don’t get the flu shot seem dumb.

Well those open carry dickheads (and they definitely are dickheads) do always make a point of holding/carrying their guns in a way that nobody would think they are preparing to use them.

Yeah I’m skeptical that they released one still frame from a video. Even if the frame seems to justify the officers decision to shoot the entire video might tell a completely different story.

Love those Miuras but honestly I’m surprised there isn’t a Countach in the collection.

Hah that picture was taken in 2013 or 2014 so I was either 43 or 44 when it was taken. Though it is a young mans clothes uniform.

Ridiculously easy? With the (notable) exception of the federal “Assault Weapons” ban being allowed to expire guns have never been more restricted in this country than they are today.

Really the only reason he isn’t is because of that damned Obummer Kenyan Muslim.

That’s one of the reasons the military is experimenting with biofuels now, so we can figure out what the issues are and work out solutions before we really need them.

I guess it’s something, though it’s disappointing that once again you have to decide whether it’s more important to have a manual transmission or nice features.

The military isn’t getting into biofuels to save the environment, even if they are putting (a bit of) that spin on it. The dominant reason why they are doing this is so they won’t be so dependent on fossil fuels which at various times has meant being dependent on fuels from the very places on earth where our

Such as?

Heh, my sons are now 18 and 21 and 6'7" and 6'6" respectively and they don’t really fit in the back of the Mazda anymore, though we’ve put all four of us in the car for short trips it’s not comfortable.