
So is this all Uber’s fault or not anymore?

Yeah I have 2 kids, both now grown, drove them around in a 3 door Geo Metro and a 3 Door Focus and finally a 5 door Mazda3. The Geo was the only one that had the rear facing car seats but all of them would have been able to handle it easily. And I’m not a small person at 6'5" with a 6'+ wife.

It’s a 5 door hatchback, it kinda goes without saying that it will haul kids and their stuff around just fine.

Trump losing is still a “least worst” case scenario. Because even though Trump is undeniably much worse Hillary is still pretty terrible.


You must be new here.

Until they closed their stores that was the only place my wife could reliably find bras that fit, were supportive and comfortable. Now it’s an endless string of trial and error until she can find one that would work almost as well as the ones she could find at Freddies in 10 minutes.

Well freaking played $kay

Lol yes she did, I never cared about her so I remember being confused when she was SOOOO popular for a few years. If anything her peak was a tad higher than his even if he has had a larger career.

He has here, on Jez anybody who’s been accused of rape is automatically guilty until proven innocent and then still pretty much guilty.

Plenty of Republican types are very much against Trump, even it if means Hillary wins.

Actually think they would have been better off leaving out the anti-Trump stuff and trying to get more celebrities for a generic “get out the vote” video. Because the (young) people they are appealing to are overwhelmingly going to vote not Trump Hillary anyways.

To each their own, I’d never heard of Marion Cotillard before all this but I think she’s significantly hotter than Angelina Jolie.

They buy quite a bit of the Model S and it has a “proper hatch”

Looks a heck of a lot better than what we’ve seen from the Model 3. Unless the production version looks significantly different you’re driving an impractical art piece.

I’l probably look at the volt for my next car, looks to be a far more practical vehicle than the Model 3. Of course being a GM vehicle I’d expect that they will contract out their interior plastic bits to Fisher-Price.

There are plans that have been proposed to re-engine with 8 modern engines because of that very issue. Sure you’re increasing maintenance over a 4 engine solution but still lower maintenance cost, lower fuel cost (including crazy expensive tanker gas) and increased capability (longer range & loiter time)

They are (or were) studying re-engining them for like the 4th or 5th time over their long service life but the Air Force in it’s infinite wisdom always decides that it’s not worth it because the ROI is only 10 years or some other BS reason.

Also there are cost savings from reduced maintenance.

Meanwhile they will continue to fly B-52's for several more decades than planned (still won’t be re-engined of course)