
Was that Vons in Southern California? If so I call BS on the notion that she was treated poorly because of her or her friends skin color.

A “new” large displacement motorcycle engine that’s not water cooled??

I won’t deny that observation bias is a possible factor in my case, but it does seem like she’s actually ramped up the amount of “incorrect”/misleading info in her videos since she’s become the target of harassment (and a recipient of a very large amount of donations due to said harassment. You would think that with

I used to think her videos were reasonably interesting and thought provoking if sometimes poorly researched, I had assumed that she had not spent enough time playing some of the games she criticized (Red Dead Redemption for example).

Yeah maybe it’s wrong to prosecute in this way but at the same time I’m not going to lose sleep if a heroin dealer goes to jail for life.

Magikarp are actually slightly more common around here for me than Dratini but you only need 125 Dratini candy to get to Dragonite where you need 400 to get from Magikarp to Gyarados.

I predict lots of people will have Magikarps are their “buddy”

Honestly I would not be even a little bit surprised to learn that the tobacco companies are behind the anti-vaping movement.

I’ve actually been guilty of “hiding my knife” on numerous occasions, I get somewhere where I’m not expecting TSA-style security (metal detectors and the like) and they won’t allow my swiss army knife I carry everywhere (used to carry on planes prior to 9/11).

Those ships are so massive. I volunteer on the Battleship Iowa museum and we’re moored right next to a cruise terminal. When the big cruise ships pull out to see they can create such a wake to make the Iowa, which is a 45,000 ton Battleship strain against her mooring lines.

Of course the motorcyclists were limited by the cars in front of them, otherwise they would be going quite a bit faster.

Eh, I have a different take, I see a greedy people who tried to cash in on a tragedy and am glad to see for once them being held to account for that.

Well I’m sure the money raised by the auction will FAR exceed what it costs Ferrari to build. Let’s just guess it costs Ferrari about $500,000 to produce LaFerrari #500, and the Dubai oil Sheik pays $10M to buy the car he wasn’t originally approved for but just has to have plated in 24k gold. That’s $9.5M more that

Why did he turn?

Not to nit pick on your groove but the pedant in me feels compelled to point out that as a convicted criminal he was already legally barred from possessing a gun, and that’s something that very few of those gun nuts would have a problem with.

Inattentive drivers will be the among first to jump on the self driving bandwagon, because they just don’t care about driving. And getting them out from behind the wheel (or the wheel out from in front of them) will have a pretty big impact on traffic and accidents. These are people who tailgate all day every day and

LOL at the notion of any executive of any company going to jail for something the company did.

Much easier to mislead this way.

I know we’re getting off track here but I’ve never heard any evidence that Colin Powell “lied” (as in said something he knew not to be true). I’m pretty sure that he was fed bad intelligence which he presented to the U.N.