
Copy and pasting the same non-sense over and over doesn’t make it right or true. It just makes you annoying.

Uh, what? This smells like bullshit to me.

My Chevy Bolt uses about 29Kwh to drive 100 miles.
I pay .25 per Kw to charge at home. That’s $7.25 for 100 miles.

My gas car gets about 22 mpg combined, for 100 miles that’s 4.5 gallons @ $4/gal = $18 in regular gas for 100 miles.

Skin color. That's why the Republicans support one and not the other.

Hmm, idk.

Well, for one, your little “factoid” (“factoids”, really) isn’t a factoid; the “blue” party isn’t hated at all, unless you literally only consider Republicans as the only people of America. Cite your sources, or don’t, cuz a single republican poll does not an accurate determination make.

It’s not math, it’s gerrymandering.

Who the eff wears a hard hat to a political rally?

Here’s the thing: Gerrymandering in order to devalue the votes of your opposition in order to take power is most certainly NOT “the nation embracing your values,” it’s just a power grab. And yes, that DOES in fact apply to Democrats, too, and I’ve scornef THEIR gerrymandering efforts, as well. They, however, do in

The “nation” you’re referring to is the minority.

Once again a Republican that doesn’t understand that Land doesn’t vote. The most populous regions of the country vote Blue reliably. All of the “Red” regions are vast swaths of land populated by significantly less land.

Amazing what Gerrymandering and voter suppression can do

So you think the nation will embrace Grift, Sedition, Pedophilia and Religious zealotry- Um Sure

“republican values”

It’s not a zany “take”, it’s the truth. The GOP is an extremist religious cult that is hellbent on pushing their cultural belief system on the masses. Take your religious zealotry and threats of political violence and shove them up your ass.    

Afghanistan has a tradition called bacha bazi , which I believe translates to “dancing boy” (at least that’s the commonly used English term). It is somewhat like the ancient Greek practice of pederasty, i.e. a socially acceptable form of sexual relationships between an adult male and a prepubescent/pubescent boy

Dear god! I hadn’t thought of it from that angle. It’s certainly premeditated if it’s considered murder. So in a state with the death penalty, it’s a possibility. So, getting raped can result in a woman spending time in prison or possibly the death penalty.  F’d up doesn’t begin to cover it.

The American Taliban is here.

A lot of Republicans like to say the comparison between conservatives and the Taliban is ridiculous because the Taliban kills women. The only reason conservatives don’t actually kill women is because they can’t.. yet. But they defintiely want to. Conservatives are actually debating whether or not women should be

1 minor difference - GOP has more guns.

The Steve Bannons of the world who always complain about Iran aren’t upset about that society.