rainmaker6261 .

how many people seriously thought the berries repeatedly saying "member (insert any star wars related content)" was the funniest part of the season? Reading these reviews just serves to remind me how much my sense of humor diverges from the reviewer.

Okay, I'm going to start with three imo undeniable truth claims.

The monsters aren't the kennys looking at child porn. The monsters are the fucking worthless criminals who make the CP in the first place. The kennys of the world are sad individuals in desperate need of professional help, doing their best to control terrible urges they didn't ask for and in many cases would do

Anyone who is genuinely perplexed about the ethics of forcing people who looked at child porn into a gladatorial death match is a terrifyingly inept moral agent. If you even have to ponder for a second whether this was justified then look no further for the object of this episode's criticism: it's you.

Wow, you thought it was obvious he would be exposed for looking at child porn. I had no idea.

The point is that these people are not monsters (excluding kenny's death fight adversary, because he might actually be a child rapist). Cheating on your wife, making racist remarks, and yes even looking at child porn does not make you some irredeemable monster. These are human beings who love their kids with all their

Honestly, as horrible as the "pretend I don't understand sarcasm" line is, it was prob your best out. So good on you. It would have taken a professional polemicist and bullshitter to try to defend the pure, unadulterated nonsensical garbage of your previous post.

Well that's the whole problem right there: this misconception that stupidity is solely the affliction of the "other side." It's not the "other side" who is "too dumb to understand". Both sides suffer from this problem, regardless of how loathe they are to admit it.

1. Lol right, my bad. I completely forgot that character dynamism is exclusively the purview of drama. Cartoons and every other form of storytelling must only portray static characters.

Unfettered capitalism? Who the fuck is talking about unfettered capitalism? I never argued for zero government regulations. I simply believe individuals should be given the freedom to make their own decisions in life and take responsibility for the consequences therein. There's nothing cynical about personal liberty

It's a valid criticism of your post. Every character needs to remain entirely unchanged and immutable over the 20 year course of a television show for you to be satisfied with the writing? It's a pretty preposterous critique of the show. Gerald had to stay a one dimensional "quiet, scholarly jewish man" in your eyes?

Dunning Kruger effect does seem to apply to a staggering portion of the populace.

Exploiting stupidity is reprehensible, but it shouldnt be a crime. Statistically speaking, purchasing a lottery ticket is one of the most utterly moronic purchases you will make in your lifetime. Millions of individuals, many impoverished or down on their luck, are essentially bamboozled into lighting their money on

So you have no problem with a couple making minimum wage with 8 kids, many of whom are malnourished and sick because their parents cannot adequately care for them, who are now attempting to give birth yet again? We simply allow this to continue? Choosing time and again to create life you cannot support is far more

Fo you blame casinos every time someone chooses to gamble away all of their money and their life falls apart? Or do you assign blame to the autonomous individual whose life decisions led him to this place, a place that could easily have been avoided had he simply chosen differently?

Public nudity is worse than nonstop cyber bullying that damages its victims so badly they feel suicide is their only way out? Seriously, what are you smoking?

Reacting to a troll online by dumping every boy in the school solely because of their sex is undoubtedly collective punishment, albeit the elementary school version of it. An entire group has been punished for the actions of an individual.

Believing irrelevant superficial characteristics like skin color or genitalia should not function as sources of identity for human beings is deluded? Believing we should identify ourselves based on our principles and values instead is deluded?

What precisely did I say that was sexist? Is merely claiming that the evil penis illuminati is fabricated a malicious crime against women? Or is your kneejerk response to anyone with whom you disagree simply to scream sexist/racist/transphobic/etc at the top of your lungs with no evidence whatsoever?

True, they never explicitly shamed them for being boys. They just resorted to collective punishment of them as a group because of the actions of skankhunt, a troll they mistakenly assume to be a schoolboy.