rainmaker6261 .

You, with your power and patriarchy nonsense, are the problem. The patriarchy does not exist. It's a figment of your imagination.


It's like he conveniently forgot the girls fired the first shot in this war of identity politics by blaming and lashing out against every boy in the school. Then, rather than trying to work in tandem with the boys, they retreated into the solidarity of their superficial identity tribe.

Interesting review, although I can't begin to understand how you found Sheila pissing in Gerald's mouth amusing. Just seemed disgusting to me.

Eugenics? The fuck are you talking about. I said you shouldnt give birth to kids you can't fucking feed, thus increasing the net misery in the world and causing fellow citizens to have to pick up the tab for your idiocy.

Easy solution, have hillary be the divisive candidate sparking race wars by pandering and eschewing a clear-minded genuine analysis of the truth.

Really? I thought this arc was easily the best arc. Much better than season 2's terrible witch voodoo arc

Well, we live in a society where safety and security are inextricably linked to finance. So it's perfectly possible to be innocent, naive, and gullible while still making bank as a talented accountant or something. You can be a milquetoast pushover and still be incredibly successful and provide the very best for your

Well at risk of sounding like a self righteous prick myself here, I'd just like to say that much of the battle of being a good writer is knowing your audience. Failing to grasp how an audience will receive and interpret the message you're trying to send is a major oversight. After all, what else is good writing if not

The whole zoom thing is truly mind boggling. So he becomes a serial killer after his mom dies, eventually gains super speed during electro shock therapy, randomly pretends o be a super hero for a while, and goes back in time to use a time remnant of himself to serve as a sacrificial lamb. And why does he take velocity

So at this point we can all agree that Barry Allen is one of the worst villains in the dc tlevision universe right? Twice now he's recklessly, knowingly endangered the entire universe by traveling back in time first to save his mother and then to get faster(in the end really just to make psychopathic serial killer

And then we get into the fascinating topic of what truly constitutes love. Is love this purely abstract emotion of infinite capacity? Or is love much more grounded in reality? Is love inextricably linked to our time and actions and how we choose to spend them in relation to others? Could you theoretically love someone

Well, Chuck has been written to be a stupendously selfish heel of a character, so it's not surprising he couldn't squelch his hatred for the sake of those who inexplicably love him.

Then perhaps they're not the near-infallible writers I thought them to be. I assumed when they wrote a loveless, ungracious sponge of a character who wants nothing more than to see his younger brother and primary caretaker fail that they were intending him to be unlikable. And the vast majority of viewers do seem to

Something he did about a decade ago and which he explicitly states was done not for Jimmy but for their mother. I'm sure you see the imbalance here?

You can't surreptitiously flaunt half truths. It's paradoxical. You can't flaunt something and try to hide it at the same time.

I'm not entirely sure what you're referring to, as it seems you're being little contradictory. You say jimmy flaunts these details in front of chuck but then you say jimmy tells half truths in order to keep the details a secret from chuck as he knows chuck will disapprove. These are two very different statements, so

I agree writhe the spirit of what you're saying, but I'd also say that morality has EVERYTHING to do with this. You referred to chuck as a shithead, which I think is accurate, and I firmly believe that is a moral label. Shitheads are immoral people. Lying about your mothers last words is immoral. Doing your darndest

You forget to mention that he's doing all of this "right in front of chuck" because he is spending hours every day taking care of him and keeping him out of the loony bin. Jimmy is playing angles to make enough money to keep him and his unemployed brother afloat. If chuck had simply let Howard hire jimmy in the first

Lol "who keeps him in his life despite the trouble he causes"