rainmaker6261 .

Jimmy eventually goes on to do a lot of unjustifiable shit as Saul goodman. But what exactly has he done during the course of THIS show that has been so very harmful and unforgivable? Give me his worst crimes. He got himself fired by deliberately aggravating an office full of people? He tricked some deuchebag wealth

No one is morally responsible for the crimes committed against them. Being an extremely trusting human being isn't a crime. Theft is.

I'm intrigued by where you draw the line between being generous and being a sap/sucker.

Kudos for arguing this perfectly. I'm shocked you're the first person I've seen point out that chuck clearly loves no one other than himself. Perhaps he did love his parents, but we have so little info it's not worth discussing.

Honestly, when does he bail jimmy out period? Forget his motivations for doing so. The whole show has consisted of jimmy caring for chuck and devoting his time and energy to his delusional, derisive older brother. There must have been at least one or two, but at present I can't recall a single case chuck doing the

Oh god no. The skylar hate was almost completely unjustified. The chuck hate is basically written into the script. You're supposed to hate him. He's an older brother who not only doesn't want his younger brother to succeed, he repeatedly goes out of his way to prevent it from happening. Jimmy has been helping his

Totally agree. She was awesome. I hope they end up doing the sequel so we can see more of her.

Yeah I hate it. It's really stupid. Used to love midnight releases when I was younger.

First of all, the fact that batman v superman is gonna sell gangbusters has absolutely nothing to do with snyder. Bill Cosby could have directed it and the thing would still be a smash hit. Second of all, Snyder can actually be pretty good if you're able to reign him in. 300 was a fun, ridiculous movie. Man of steel,

Oh no, that's the exact opposite of what I'm saying. There's zero condescension here. Not only COULD the audience buy into a slow burn thriller without spectacle, they already HAVE. They've sat through about two hours worth of slow burn thriller, so not only does the director respect people enough to assume they can

I don't exactly have high hopes for new Independence Day. Think this is gonna easily be the best bit of alien action we get for a while, so I'm gonna savor it.

Like I said, if you really think the action itself was poorly executed then I have no counter argument. I wholeheartedly disagree, but I think it's a totally fair criticism. However I not only like the decision to unexpectedly transform the film into a full fledged sci fi action flick, but I think the execution was

well I agree with the first one. Def shades of twilight zone. However you're really swinging and missing on the rest, well perhaps except for black snake moan which I didn't see.

The gremlins analogue is solid. By no means do I think the character is completely singular, but it's still almost incotrobertibly a more intriguing and distinctive character than the unmitigated nut job. The nuanced psycho with some not-so-delusional delusions is clearly less trite than the comprehensive lunatic.

If you think the scene was poorly executed, then c'est la vie I suppose. I disagree, but I can't really argue with it. If you're merely criticizing it because it was tonally inconsistent, or more accurately genre-defying (think I mischaracterized in my earlier post) because the tone was pretty much unchanged, then I

Lol well everything under the sun could be argued to be a trope at this point. We only have so much narrative real estate to work with after all, but tropes are all relative. Straightforward crazy guy is undoubtedly more cliched and commonplace than misunderstood lunatic. If you want we can have a competition wherein

Now you're speaking my language! See, radical third act tonal shifts are fun. And the best part is that if people really don't like the final 15 minute larp wars coda to our otherwise by-the-book crazed kidnapper story, then you can simply pretend it ends 15 minutes earlier and just enjoy your exceedingly mundane and

Both of those films were firmly based in reality- one being a loose amalgamation of a few similar abduction/prolonged captivity stories and the other being a straight retelling of actual events in Boston. Neither of them was even remotely, tangentially related to aliens. The possibility of some extraordinary,

Hence why the presence of the aliens is so vital to the story. Without the apocalypse they brought, goodman is just a straight up kook. And there's nothing novel about a kook who kidnaps a girl and locks her up with him.

this was perhaps the most brilliant out of the frying pan into the fire narrative I've ever seen. In the end, Goodman was right. He was right the whole time. She actually WAS lucky to have been abducted/rescued by him. It's an incredibly fascinating conclusion that actually makes the entire story much richer and more