rainmaker6261 .

I sincerely fail to see how her gazing upon a smoking Chicago skyline is better than her blowing up an alien Sarin gas ship with a maguivered malotov cocktail. Is it just that you guys are too cool for aliens?

Yeah no one thinks mlk singlehandedly put an end to all worldwide violence, hatred, and suffering, you twat. That's not the reason for his universal adulation. The guy had a message. A vision. He made a coherent argument. And more importantly, a compelling one. " I want to live in a world where everyone will be

If you don't understand how much progress was made during the civil rights movement then you have no business being a part of this conversation. And this is an excellent example of one of the major issues with the sjw movement- it's filled with a bunch of jackasses with no appreciation for history, all of the

Some of the most famous pieces of dialogue are utterly simplistic. " I am not an animal. I am a human being" "I'll be back" "You can't handle the truth" "I'm the king of the world" "There's no place like home"


Stellar episode, and I for one enjoy the show more whenever Theroux is on screen. The guy sold the fuck out of that afterlife scene. He has the remarkable ability to have me laughing one moment (Because it's STUPID) and emotional the next (homeward bound). Every moment that Kevin and John were together on screen was

Yeah, I was confused why this person seemed to think otherwise

Honestly I've always thought she would play a great sociopath/serial killer type character. Her voice and demeanor have always freaked me the fuck out. Her voice is always so lifeless. The problem in the past has been that the characters she portrays require some modicum of warmth and charisma, but Liv seems incapable

I don't (or, more appropriately, didn't) frequent Grantland. Just listend to HP. As for my being on this site, I'm not entirely sure how it's relevant to my ignorance of Grantland's demise. I also don't really frequent AV Club.

Virgil is the name of Dante's pseudo spirit guide in the inferno. It was heavily telegraphed that this is the role he'd play. But was this really the best trajectory for the character? For him to be relegated to obscurity so quickly within Kevin's journey? I had hoped, considering he blew his own brains out to help

Who exactly referred to you as satan incarnate? Or anything even remotely approaching that?

Thanks dude. How is Greenwald doing it though? I would have assumed his employment with grantland would preclude him from doing podcasts with outside parties.

It's depressing as hell to me that so many people watched that raging dumpster fire that was true detective season 2, but so few are watching leftovers season 2.

lol apparently his reputation precedes him. You've had run-ins with this unsavory fellow before I presume?

Similar experience here. My sister just happened to be in the room, had never watched it before, and all of a sudden was locked in. The nice thing about the glacial pacing of this show is that I was able to recap 17 hours of television for her in approximately 4 minutes :)

Is that a real thing, or are you fucking with me? lol I'll be pretty stoked if it is

Totally agree. Never read anything they write, but Hollywood Prospectus was one of my favorite podcasts. Sucks that it's gone now, and I have no idea where to find a replacement.

Loved the ep, but had a hard time taking jeopardy scene seriously. It's impossible for me to ever get emotional about anything that involves Alex Trebek.