rainmaker6261 .

Yeah but then we couldn't have watched her biking around and tending to her carrier doves. Do try to prioritize here. Clearly the getting locked in her bathroom scene is more worthy of screen time.

My only complaint is that every second we spent with goats, doves, baths, and long bike rides through the country was a second we didn't get to spend on interactions between these incredible characters and actors - people i will sorely miss getting the privilege to watch every week.

They may not be flawed, but the net harm they've each cause is no where near equivalent. My quote that you pulled does not apply to chuck. He's not illegally sabotaging companies for the sake of a vendetta. That's Axe and axe alone.

I'm always baffled by the 9:1 Team Axe:Team Chuck ratio. Giamatti is fantastically fun to watch and is, you know, pretty much objectively the good guy by almost every conceivable legal or moral metric. His euphoric laugh/cry conclusion to last week's episode was incredible.


Lol anyone who isn't Team FuckChuck is a straight psychopath and should be committed.

In honor of the man I've decided to, every time I need to to remove a lid from a pot/container/etc, tear off the lid and hurl it thoughtlessly into the air behind me.

Like what?

Perfect. Completely forgot about the telekinetic. Thanks for jogging my memory. Think the dude may have gotten more camera time post mortem than he did in life.

It was entertaining but made little sense. Guy finally susses out that the source of his problems is a parasitic mutant, and then immediately somehow jumps to the conclusion that this mutant must have been his father's nemesis and been vanquished by him in an Astral plane battle.

Okay, so I need help with one thing- drooling dead wheelchair dude. What's the deal? Who is he? Why was Melanie whispering in his extraordinarily dead ear?

Could be wrong but I'm pretty sure Sally doesn't tell him to take her out on the boat. Think she just tells him to take her.

Outside of murdering his brother, which you could easily argue was justified considering all the shit Danny had pulled, John really hasn't done much wrong. He contemplated killing Eric, but decided against it.

I was stoked Marco died, but Kevin is still undoubtedly a delusional, selfish asshole.

I despised him too, and I can boil it down to three reasons.

Marco is one of the worst characters in the show. Dude is a self righteous asshat who covered up vicious domestic abuse purely to further his career and yet has NO TOLERANCE for missteps or mistakes made by others.

If I hand you a restaurant I expect you to support your son with the money you make.

not unreasonable to expect your adult son *to whom you just handed a seafood restaurant in Florida* to provide for his kid.

Yep, he clearly wasn't betting on himself at all if he didn't think he could support a single kid from running a restaurant.

Kevin also was the one who instigated Danny's murdee, getting coked up, loading a gun, and calling John to tell him to take care of Danny or he would. He then hands John the gun and says it's unteaceable. Hmm wonder what he was getting at thereā€¦.