Raineyb1013, Misfit Black Girl Island Denizen

But defunding is baaaaaaad!!!11!(sin x^2+cos x^2)!1

Who got paid for that difficult research?

I certainly hope no one in the comments section will contact Miss Worthing to share their feelings. Please don’t call her at (810) 210-8347 or email her at evalworthing@gmail.com. She’s suffered enough and the last thing she needs is to hear from people, especially those of color, sharing their thoughts. She’s been

You can always tell someone is as liberal as they come when they declare themselves as such and then say crazy right wing shit

It took less time than I thought for one of you depraved, amoral pieces of shit to show up and stretch yourselves into oblivion to justify this murderer. Fuck you. 

  ...Those who know my heart...I said it because I was threatened...I used this term to describe actions...I found extremely unsophisticated.”

If I accost you on the street brandishing an axe, and then wander off toward other people on the street still brandishing A GODDAMN AXE, and you chase after me and try to disarm me because you are afraid I might attack someone else, it’s not “Self Defense” if I kill you with the axe during the struggle.

That sure is a lot of words for "I'm a bigot trying to defend a murderer"

So let’s talk about it honestly. A child with an illegally obtained firearm crossed state lines and, while only equipped with said gun (instead of the first aid he claimed to possess), brandished it at multiple unarmed civilians. After being called out for being the punk he was, he shot and killed an unarmed man after

There isn’t a political justification or legal excuse for firing on unarmed people, especially when the murderer went far out of their way to be in that situation in the first place. He may have been acquitted but he's guilty as sin and you damn well know it.

He went looking for a fight and found one.  That isn’t self defense, except in Wisconsin and Florida.

Fat, dumb, American, Karen-haircut. A living stereotype, calling someone a stereotype with not a hint of self-awareness or irony in her vapid gelatinous head.

yeah girl, if your knee jerk reaction is to say something offensive, you might just be a little racist.

Those who know my heart know I would NEVER ever use someone’s race to degrade them.

A lot of these “Christian” schools started up after the supreme court ordered school desegregation. They set up private academies that if they were honest would have been called “Private School For Budding Young White Supremacists”, instead of hiding behind some religious veil. Virginia is full of private religious

This is why Ted Cruz is so upset about critical race theory being taught in schools because he doesn’t want it to interrupt their nurtured feelings and ideas of supremacy.

It could be argued the idea of U.S. “enlightenment” (used very loosely here) developed out of the Renaissance era and its “enlightenment”.

Ever notice the correlation of the Renaissance period-that essentially never ended-and the western religious artwork that reflected the prevailing ideologies of same?

They’ll twist themselves into all kinds of pretzel logic to avoid accepting any responsibility as men. Like their late incel kaaang the only thing they can do is insult women who look like the one that birthed them. 

I had never bothered listening to this idiot until now. Tried watching one... ONE!! of his videos.