Raineyb1013, Misfit Black Girl Island Denizen

It’s a state run pension fund, so this is probably fiduciary duty more than anything, but they do raise an important question nobody’s gotten an answer to. Who retains liability? I find it hard to believe Kotick is just unloading the company and will nobly take responsibility for his actions. If it turns out Microsoft

So basically the pension fund will be happy to let this deal go through provided Microsoft doesn’t assume Kotick’s liabilities and he doesn’t make any money off dumping his liability? Seems reasonable.

Protect & Serve White Supremacy. That’s the goal and regardless of an individual officer’s race that is what their goals are whether they know it or not. When they get exposed for the racist shit they do, the system protects them and often times encourages their behavior.


I see what you did there.

And we’re surprised by this? Anyone that is must have been asleep. We knew it was coming the minute that McConnell put the Handmaid’s Tale on the Court.

As a Black Ob/GYN, I am terrified. Overturning Roe v Wade does not stop abortions, it stops safe and legal abortions. The majority of currently working Ob/GYNs, Emergency physicians, Family medicine physicians, and General surgeons have either NEVER seen, or have not seen for a long time, septic abortions. Septic

The eugenics thing has been a talking point, another, “Look! Squirrel!” for the anti-choice douches for awhile. For anyone with a working brain (unlike 22 week old fetuses), we see what this society thinks about fully formed black and brown bodies, if not before George Floyd’s murder, in its aftermath. Hell, they

They do the same thing for gun control debates. They’re the worst.

Dems only care when its time to vote. Republicans work year round finding things for their base to get angry at and whipping them up.

Of course someone would try to somehow blame Bernie bros instead of the actual people in charge.

That’s the difference between Republicans and Democrats. Republicans are GREAT at turning out their base. Democrats don’t care about their base at all. What they really want are “moderate Republicans” who they always wind up courting, and then leave the base behind, then complain that the people they ignore don’t turn

“The Democrats can never fail, they can only be failed”

Hillary lost because she was an awful candidate who ran on expecting to win, didn’t bother campaigning in Michigan, Wisconsin or Pennsylvania, ignored her state campaign teams when they begged her for resources in those states, pandered to conservatives instead of appealing to her base, and then got caught skirting

People think that culture wars are a thing that ends at some point. They think fascism is a thing that can be killed and won’t be resurrected. Or that you can stomp out racism and it’ll go away.

Don’t forget that Uncle Ruckus Clarence Thomas is an eugenics fuckboi, too!

I despise the fact that conservatives constantly use Black people to support whatever awful idea they come up with. “I’m against abortion because what about all those Black babies!” Like they give one fuck about Black children, but a Black fetus is a fantastic tool of the state.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. ALL OF THIS is RBG’s fault.


Most people have no sense of how far beyond reproductive rights this goes. Yes, any ruling that the Constitution allows the state (or at least states) to violate the most intimate aspects of bodily autonomy is horrendous on its face — and we must absolutely not forget that. In order to overturn Roe, though, the