Raineyb1013, Misfit Black Girl Island Denizen

I’m sorry but no. There’s no way that given that the wages have been stagnant for decades while the price of everything around people has gone up that their buying power is the same. It literally isn’t true.

Be that as it may, the wages of the people buying them is lower now than it was then. So as a percentage, it hasn’t changed all that much.

There’s one that seems to come out for every article like a roach, usually referred to as shitstain. Apparently, despite it being a racist POS, whoever runs this damn site thinks it’s a good idea to let this asshole harass Black people in a space that’s supposed to be by and for Black people. Fucking ridiculous that!

That’s the more succinct version of that lawyer’s (trash ass) argument. I hope there aren’t too many of those types in the jury pool

I’m not really feeling this vanity run so there’s that.

They already have such a rule for the federal judiciary (excepting the Supreme Court because rules? Who’s that for? Not me!) But if those assholes gave a damn about giving up power to let the next generation do shit they’d have retired a long ass time ago.

I wish I knew because it never seems to be the time. Unfortunately, given that openly fascist assholes are vying for power I can’t say now is that time.

That’s where the worry SHOULD be since Dems are quite willing to allow the fascists to fuck shit up while shrugging on the sidelines acting as though they couldn’t have done anything to stop it. People don’t want to vote for fecklessness, at least I don’t, but when the choice is between feckless and openly hostile I

I can’t watch the clip from work so I will admit to not having watched while asking this question anyway:

It’s rather difficult to have an alternative story when the person whose side you’d be looking for is dead by the hand of the people feeding you the initial story in the first place. It’s not exactly an accident that.

My first guess is his rectum, but he’d have to remove his head from it first.

Why would you ever believe anything a group of professional liars say about anything? How many times will it take for you to get it through your skull that the presumption about veracity when it comes to cops is to always presume that the cops are lying.

At least they can go after some of that blood money the right wing has been tossing at this tosser. Otherwise he’d be what? A high school drop out with no money and a nasty reputation otherwise.

I ignore dipshits who toss around the term “race baiter.” You lor are idiotic assholes. That said whether or not there is one or two Black co-defendants doesn’t change the point that of all these vile assholes the ONLY one sitting in jail. But of course, details like that isn’t important if it gets in the way of you

Apparently, you don’t even meet your own standards. The story is that the only one who is actually in jail is Black.

If these motherfuckers do not get off the hook it will be with no help from that police department. This was deliberately done to fuck up the case. It’s obvious as fuck that that was the cops intentions.

It would appear so. Because these cops don’t seem to have any interest in anything but fucking with Black people and allowing white criminals off the hook.

Who would this professional be working for? Would they be employed by the same shitty company that tried to push dude back onto the same route the next day after being shot at by the two inbred motherfuckers the cops just let off the hook?

Agent Orange Foolius, once again showing the world that he’s a pussy ass bitch. I will NEVER get enough of calling his punk ass that.

As of when this article was written it was still in effect. I can only imagine that the necessary paperwork (if here was any to continue the conservatorship) had been filed.