Raineyb1013, Misfit Black Girl Island Denizen

I wouldn’t even hire anyone from Florida at this rate.

We don’t actually know who attacked who first given the actual murder happened out of sight of the camera. If this motherfucker was looking for someone then he was looking for an excuse. He had that fucking knife ready so what would turning the other cheek have done. Someone still would have been dead by this

Except dude was looking for someone to kill by his own admission, at least according to the witnesses who I damn sure am going to believe before this shitty prosecutor and their nonexistent consequences for murderous white people.

Does she have a couch or is it his? Because I’m getting lives at home with Daddy sitting all day getting drunk while Daddy continues to coddle his shitty princess vibes from this racist ass POS.

Refile? Conservatorships last until the death of the conservatee or by court order. 

I’m not the one who brought up the NFL compensation as though it has any bearing on this shady fuckery. I’m merely stating a possibility given that said conservatorship is still in place. It shouldn’t be brought up at all but clearly is being used to discredit Mr. Oher.

Since when does turning the other cheek protect from violence from racist white people looking to kill us?

I didn’t see either one of them.

Funny how it’s so much easier to convince some people that something has to do with race when the person making the complaint is white.

Your ignorance in the meaning of words doesn’t make words that contradict your dumb ass lies. Take your ignorant ass back under the bridge troll.

You are correct, it really doesn’t. However, for some reason people are making a deal out of how much he made (and where it went) as though it has anything to do with this fishy as fuck conservatorship. Given the existence of this conservatorship it’s ridiculous for these people to even mention his NFL earnings as

You seem to be missing my point. Dude is implying that that 30M was somehow squandered without noting that that money was made when Mr. Oher was under a conservatorship. Which means he wasn’t likely in control of that money so this is not a story about an NFL player going broke due to bad (or most likely nonexistent)

I would have gone with deliberate sabotage myself but I don’t have to worry about a slander suit.

I’m more concerned about his not appearing on that recent arrest list. WTF is that about?

The guy made over $30M in his NFL career. What the hell did he do with all that money?

Of course they do because a bunch of white women went a Karening and they caved to the bullshit. It doesn’t make it so.

I don’t need the media to “trick” me into thinking that they’re racist when I have eyes and enough brains to remember shit without prompting. I didn’t need the media to discuss the “phenomena” of white people “finding” while Black people were “looting.” The same way I don’t need anyone to tell me that those cops who

I suspect he would not in fact have done the same.

Where is the mercy? Actual mercy would be not having tried her at all. The woman was a refugee in her own country (and they did in fact refer to people in NO as refugees at the time) and they’re acting as though she somehow deliberately wronged her son by not having enough supplies during a goddamn hurricane when

Not sure why Sandra Bullock should be punished for the fuckery of the person she portrayed.