Raineyb1013, Misfit Black Girl Island Denizen

Let’s just hope she’s still in her position in eight weeks.

When you vote for your DA, the DA represents you as a part of the community as in “the people” vs xyz. What part of that is not reprsentative?

Black people don’t want cops that act like this in our neighborhoods you stupid, racist, fuck. We’re not trying to sacrifice our lives to give assholes like you the illusion of safety.

Par for the course and how police operate; especially when it comes to Black people. 

Story of Merica in one sentence.

Assuming the latter, and that’s a long ass stretch, that seems to be a that child problem and not one that should be a pull it down and fuck shit up for decent people issue.

I forgot to add, fuck these damn trolls who think the same way too!

You think that asshole who is gunning for these funds gives a damn about that? He’s a racist POS who is only interested in making sure Black people continue to have to as few resources as possible and is trying to make sure to turn the clock back to the 19th century if he has to to do so.

The t-shirt isn’t even fucking white. This is another case of lazy ass lying cops who can’t tell the difference between a grown Black man and a child. Then again, they also can’t tell the difference between Black men nor Black women, nor Black men vs Black women.

And no one needed to hear it now. She can go far away and back into obscurity.

WTF is Iggy Iguana sticking her nose in this?

Meh, either way he’s trash and it gives the rest of the people a pass for the next round.

People who blame the victims rather than the people who bullied their child in a state that consistently gaslights people who are not neural atypical can jump in front of a bus and nosy bitches who can’t mind their goddamn business and ever have jack shit to say but to try to lecture grown ass people about their

This is the second time he’s done this. He removed another state prosecutor because he wouldn’t go after women who had abortions. These people are elected where’s the outcry for this openly fascistic behavior?

Wow! You’re going to blame the parents of the child who was bullied rather than the piece of shit parents of the bullies?

Five years? I feel like Narwhal is older than that (thinking Myst) but then maybe I’m missing a more pop culture reference.

This country thinks that self defense is for white people. You have white people wilding out and if we express concern we’re overreacting meanwhile the most mild mannered Black person is seen as a threat.

Sounds like par for the course when cops don’t want to do something. How many people have shot themselves while their hands were handcuffed behind them?

This is a goddamn problem because this is the second such attorney that DeSatan has removed and these are elected positions. Your vote literally means nothing when the idiot running the government can reverse it by removing your chosen representative.

Yes but you forget it’s Alabama which only uses laws as weapons against Black people. When the powers that be in Alabama arrest white people it’s because they’re forced to and they do the least amount of work/charging possible.