Raineyb1013, Misfit Black Girl Island Denizen

If you’re too fucking stupid to understand the difference between systems and personal prejudice then you’re too goddamn stupid to even reply to. Fuck off and stay in the grays with the rest of the idiot racist trolls. Nobody is talking to your rancid ass.

You really got motherfuckers in here pretending that beef between PoC doesn’t stem from the original sin of racism and white supremacy in the first place.

Stand your ground doesn’t apply to Black people period. So, no surprise that they’re not even going to think about it applying.

I can’t speak for the Feds, when they come in they so rarely manage to prosecute anyone these days but I would assume because, Alabama, it’s because they don’t want to. That’s assuming they have hate crime laws which wouldn’t surprise me if they didn’t have any because again, Alabama.

You’re a fucking liar making excuses for racist white people. Nothing new here. Inserting oneself into a fight between two men and then when the Black woman pulls her away she jumps back in again. But of course that’s not where you decided to stop the video because you’re a disgusting pig of a bigot who always excuses

Couldn’t? I’m thinking just didn’t want to would be more apt.

Bitch, don’t put words in my mouth. She was all up in there to the point where two people toss her ass away when she was grabbing on a Black man who was also dealing with yet another one of those racist ass rednecks.

The only bullshit here is the shit I put up with from your dumb racist ass. You see ONE video and think you know it all? So much so that you want to talk shit? No, you don’t know jack shit other than who you always side with. FOH!

Perhaps you should try looking at the other angles. Of course, it doesn’t vibe with your agenda so I’m not expecting anything.

I am aware that the victim said he had had sex with the woman. As per coverage that is not The Root because I do actually read and watch other media, contrary to what some people think, he did not mention anything about the woman being pregnant and when they did a photo line up they used an 8 year old picture which

Lazy cops using a biased algorithm to arrest Black people because they can’t be bothered to do their job? Check! Just another day ending with -y.

I thought I was bugging because I was looking for this alleged peacemaker and couldn’t find evidence that she existed. 

The only fucking stereotype I see here is you racist rancid ass. You always have shit to say about Black people. Can’t find a way to call you rancid white people. Then again like stands up for like. Always an excuse for white supremacy with your nasty ass. Always an excuse for police brutality as though sucking up to

Right, because Black people turning the other cheek and allowing racist ass white people to abuse is has gotten us so far as a country right?

Perhaps if she hadn’t jumped in, she wouldn’t have been in a position to get hit by a chair. She wasn’t part of the original jumping of the security guard. 

Shitstain gets his history from DeSatan approved textbooks. His idiocy is to be expected.

To be fair, things have been super busy at work (I thought the economy was supposed to be so great yet my workload is increasing. Lot of broke people having kids they need help feeding) but the number of shit troll replies I get vs actual people worth talking to is not worth the risk of getting busted posting during

To make a comeback wouldn’t it have had to have gone away?

And the one he won was merely on a technicality. So he’s got nothing of merit for his shitty lying ass case.

She’s also the only judge who have been giving these January 6 jagoffs any damn time. Everyone has been giving less than the prosecution asked for except for her. She’s not playing.