Raineyb1013, Misfit Black Girl Island Denizen

Exactly! You literally don’t run into any classes in CRT until actual graduate level but these fucking morons are calling any negative aspect of American history (aka the goddamn actual history) CRT to dismiss because they can’t handle the damn truth.

Clearly there are some -er people who still think that Black people have no rights that they need bother to respect. 

They really don’t see the problem and it’s disgusting and pathetic. I can see the “whoops” in mistyping, especially since cops don’t seem to be all that bright and apparently it’s too much for them to know the postal abbreviations for states. Okay, fine, they made a mistake there. I can see that.

It’s more than a bit disturbing how much hoteps and white supremacists sound alike when you listen to what they say without looking at who is saying it.

That’s cute and all but I’ve not heard of not nar one of these groups of which you speak.

It’s not iffy at all. There’s also legal precedent for people suing to be able to wear certain styles (like braids) and the courts taking the side of the employer in these cases.

Fuck off troll!

I’m trying to figure out how people are surprised? Do they think they do all that jumping around and dancing while singing without being winded? Of course not!

We should not be getting used to confederate monuments ever. Shove some dynamite in that shit and blow it the fuck up.

Repeating the wrong shit you said doesn’t make it less wrong; it also doesn’t make you less an illiterate moron with an IQ lower than a gnat.

At least one implies the possibility of more. I only count one.

Well what exactly is that you’re looking for? Applause? Kudos? Cookies? I’m not faulting them from doing what they’re supposed to do and actually make an effort to look for someone who has gone missing but I fail to see how this deviation from their usual apathy is supposed to make up for their usual fuckery.

This dumb shit is why people think Texas is loud about nothing. At this rate, I wouldn’t blame anyone from shit-canning any resume that had Texas schools on it.

Are we supposed to believe that this proposal was spontaneous while seeing bits of the staffer charged with photographing this moment in the hall mirror?

They’re doing the very, very least because more than that would get them kicked out the party and clearly they don’t have the self respect necessary to break from those nasty nazis in the first place.

Are you stupid or illiterate? What part of:

Let us all remember that it was at this dickhead’s concert that the shooter in Vegas managed to slaughter so many people in. When it happened this motherfucker ran. Now, I’m not calling him out for running as that’s sensible but he was facing the crowd, he had a mike, he could have at least given people a heads up

Blasting lottery winners all over the media leaves them open to abuse both from the public and people they know.

No, we’re supposed to ignore it because it literally adds nothing to the conversation; preferably while leaving it in the grays.

Since when is exposing propaganda a “minor” gotcha moment? She’s exposing a whole ass lie and it’s not just her. Sunn M’cheaux has multiple videos (admittedly they’re shorts) exposing the very same fuckery. Are you going to accuse a linguist of being “extremely online” and dismissing him as well?