Raineyb1013, Misfit Black Girl Island Denizen

It means someone let a fucking troll out of the grays.

The pandemic? That started 3 years ago, dude’s been in lockup for a goddamn decade. There’s a lot of things you can blame on COVID but this fuckery isn’t one of them.

I’m sure they’ll make this their excuse for all the other times when the cops couldn’t give a single fuck about a missing Black person.

Only on commercial trucks and it’s on a state by state basis which means the state he came from may not have needed it. Furthermore, if this the equivalent of a broken taillight how the fuck are dogs involved.

The mudflap doesn’t seem to warrant being pulled over much less the rest of this asinine fuckery.

Skipped over? The only thing I’ve had to say about any of this was that I was surprised by the amount of air this case got.

Excuse the fuck out of you but where the entire fuck did I say that they could? I said that they had zero interest. Generally speaking you don’t hear cops making pleas to the public for information about missing Black women, they save that shit for missing white women; preferably blondes.

I woldn’t fuck you with your mother’s dick.

Except for the fact that generally speaking the police don’t actually give a fuck about missing Black people. Frankly, I’m surprised that this case got as much air as it did since usually the cops have jack and shit to say and even less interested.

When you continue to benefit from white supremacy and do nothing to eradicate it, then the sins are no longer your father’s they’re yours as well.

A lot of states do not allow you to claim the prize anonymously, which frankly is stupid and opens people up to abuse.

You’re not even barely entertaining.

I’m sorry did I hurt your fucking feelings because I used the same goddamn language with you that I use here every goddamn day?

But look at the presumption that enslaved people had no skills until the white man enslaved them and forced them to do the work they were too fucking lazy to do for themselves. The fucking nerve!

WTF? Why the fuck are you bringing this shit up it has absolutely NOTHING to do with the fucking conversation about the abusive shit that goes on in goddamn Dubai. (Not to mention the assumption I can actually see the video from where I’m currently posting.)

You’re spelling “I lack empathy” wrong.

The discussion is about right and wrong not what’s legal. As you well know, there’s a lot of fuckery hidden behind legality, this would be a rather blatant example of said fuckery. 

It’ll be worth watching if large payouts like these have any impact on the city’s willingness to hold police accountable and whether we see large settlements like this one moving forward.

I don’t see how this reasoning makes what happened to this woman right.

If you think just because this country is marginally better than the UAE that this country isn’t a fucking cesspool of racism, sexism, and other assorted bigotries then you’re a fucking idiot who hasn’t been paying attention and need to stay the fuck out of my inbox.