Raineyb1013, Misfit Black Girl Island Denizen

You think that people who enslave is foreign workers are immune from racism?

I really don’t know why anyone would visit over there anyway. Especially if you’re female. The misogyny there is even more open than the shit we have here. Why vacation where shit is worse?

One shouldn’t have to depend on clout to not be arrested for yelling at some asshole who is screaming at you. 

The man in question was alleged to be a “customer” when he in fact was not. The entire case was built on a lie just so these assholes can rule the way the wanted to. They’re not even bothering to rule on actual court cases anymore, their shitty Federalist activist cohorts are bring up fictional cases to get them to

They can. It’s called court stripping and they merely need add language that says that the Supreme Court may not rule on it. They haven’t gone that route (yet?) but it is in fact a viable option.

In fact he got so much shit one year for his disclosures he decided not to disclose again.

Industry consolidation always hurts consumers. You don’t have to be down to one company to suffer from lack of competition.

Yes that does mean that Microsoft itself increases its share. I don’t see how that’s a win when it merely means that the largest companies in the sector have increased its size and leverage; that’s bad for consumers. Having 3 or 4 large companies dominate the lion’s share of a market is not good for consumers. It

That’s ridiculous. Allowing these companies to become as large as they are is already costing the American public more because the few big players are setting the prices. It’s a de-facto monopoly.

And often are. :cough: Clarence “uncle” Thomas :cough:

That would depend on who the judge in question is since so many of them are goddamn feckless hacks put in by Orange Foolius because they sucked him off up to him.

Funny how that lot never thinks it a thing until they don’t get something they think they’re entitled to.

That’s the entire scam. When forced to integrate they formed these “Christian” academies which was basically their old segregated schools with a veneer of religion. It’s all the same old shit, a way to disguise the fact that they never ever left the mindset that schooling before Brown v Board is exactly what they want.

“School choice” is nothing more than a dog whistle for white people to segregate their schools and any Black politician who capes for that shit ought to be suspect and seriously considered unqualified for office

I don’t have the time nor the inclination to entertain projecting racist ass creeps who stalk these pages thirsting for attention.

And he never will. His sole purpose of being here is to call us names. Funny how he can’t stand us yet can’t stay away.

That goes without saying given that the only thing he’s known for is coaching football. It certainly isn’t a hallmark for MENSA membership or anything.

Look at that affirmative action for stupid ass racist white men and how continues to have ill affects on the rest of us.

Fuck you and your distorted lying ass stats. Go muddy up someone else’s in box you racist prick!

You’re absolutely wasting your time talking to this racist turd. That’s why his ass is generally left in the grays so he can just talk to his damn self.