Raineyb1013, Misfit Black Girl Island Denizen

I expected nothing less since Jason Witlock’s cooning ass seems to be otherwise occupied.

For the lazy:

Your ignorance of a thing does not make it fiction.

For now.

If that’s the case why doesn’t he just wear a whole body prophylactic; preferably one without air holes.

So, a show with a difficult ass racist white man with the final say is having a hard time finding people to onboard?

This bitch has a nerve given that the greatest beneficiary of affirmative action are in fact white women.

WTF? Why? This is dumb as hell. Plus I don’t want this shit on my phone, I use a desktop for this sort of thing.

I’m waiting for the waitlist to not be a thing because I’m nobody and there’s no way I’d be invited and I’m not going to wait for them to do so.

There may be an attack on Black mayors but Eric Adams deserves every bit of dragging he gets.

I don’t understand the waitlist thing. Either you’re open and taking people or you’re not. But I don’t have time to monitor my email account for fucking invites to a social media app I’ll likely check infrequently.

Facebook is as big a dumpster fire as Twitter, so no, it won’t be safe. Unless you mean safe for trash ass racist motherfuckers but that’s the entire planet. <shrug>

You think someone claiming that they feared for their safety isn’t a claim of self defense? Because that’s what these pigs are saying every time they shoot someone in the back (and get away with it.)

George HW Bush picked Thomas as a fuck you to Black people. It’s been paying his family back in spades ever since.

It seems more like schools are just making shit up to artificially inflate the GPA. If your standard is based on a 4 then having over 5 is simply impossible. 100 is 100 is 100 and 103 simply shouldn’t be considered since a perfect score is 100. The extra credit shouldn’t be used to push a GPA over 4. It’s utterly

It’s only certain types of Christians at that, which I’m sure a certain tap-dancer on the court isn’t aware, doesn’t include Catholics. They’ll use right-wined Catholics to get what they want but they don’t consider them “real” Christians and they will do to them what they’re doing to the rest of us.

Every fucking time they pull this type of shit, they’re pushing for a theocracy. Not only are people not treated as though we were all created equal (like that was ever true) but they are making it so that (so-called) Christians, and only a certain type of so-called Christian, have any rights at all. These racist,

You can fuck off with your unwelcome and unsolicited advice. It’s worth less than what I paid for it; nothing.

I think that the notion of the “close friend” ideological opposites who dine together is highly overrated.

Clarence Thomas has always been a cooning ass piece of shit who had NO buisness being on the court.