Raineyb1013, Misfit Black Girl Island Denizen

Did you read what I wrote? Or are ya’ll so keen to “wll actually “ someone that you don’t bother to read and comment out of instinct and spite?

Interesting that the resident racist is here saying that if you give a child a gun you’re a trash person (despite there not actually being evidence that the woman gave her son the gun in the goddamn first place) but hasn’t a fucking thing to say to the large number of white people who not only give their children and

I don’t give a flying fuck what that pig Adams has to say. The lady is right about the rent increases. My rent is going up 5% because I signed a 2 year lease. If I have to pay a 6% increase that’s an over 11% increase over 4 years when my paycheck sure as fuck hasn’t gone up anywhere near that. And neither has anyone

1. It’s not rent control, it’s rent stabilization and there is a difference. Most apartments under any regulation are stabilized apartments.

I am not inclined to think that a child should be held to a higher standard in a shooting than the pigs who are supposed to be trained to deal with one. And we both know how often people have been shot in the back by cops who don’t serve a single damn day for it.

And yet affirmative action will continue under it’s original name, legacy admissions.

True. As is so true in this country violence is only bad when certain people employ it.

It is unfortunate that none of the drivers honking at this motherfucker stepped on the gas instead.

Given that she drove her underaged son to another state with a big ass gun in the car and then let his ass loose, she’s definitely a garbage person.

Works for the police.

Which puts the lie to the claims of it being “voluntary.”

I wish the racist idiots were only in the grays. How the entire fuck do we have entire conversations around here made up mostly of the resident racists with way too many stars who somehow made their way out of the gray. This is ridiculous!

There’s also the problem that DA’s and judges seem to see themselves as partners in fighting crime but the “criminals” they go after tend to be of a certain hue.

I’m sorry to put this here but I really don’t know where to put it. Why the entire fuck is the conversation dominated by the resident racist asshats who have no business out of the grays in the first place?

I don’t now if ya’ll are doing PR for Blizzard or something but it’s not just Blizzard that was/is down. They just released Age of War in Conan Exiles and it’s been impossible to get in to play online since about 10am. (Single player is still available but you can’t access the bazaar or the battle pass challenge) Addit

If the time for that has come and gone then the only lesson you’re teaching is that it’s okay to exploit, rape, enslave, and otherwise mistreat people so long as you do it for long enough that paying restitutions is too expensive.

I saw what you posted the first time you spamming asshat. What I don’t get is why the entire fuck you would think that I would be remotely impressed by you looking for a brown face to spew your bigoted bullshit. If I wanted to hear from the Tim Scotts of the internet I’d go look for their dumb asses to talk to.

Oh a civilian training course is using this shit? Like that makes a difference you rancid fuck? Like there aren’t white people out there just itching for an excuse to shoot Black people?

Where’s the surprise? We already knew Florida was doing this. And we already know that cops are racist as fuck and like killing Black people. I can’t even feign surprise at this toxic shit.

He always looks for the most sinister explanation when it comes to Black people while excusing any and all white fuckery. In other words, he’s a classic racist. How this motherfucker is out of the grays is another question. It’s ridiculous that there is more racist fuckery in the damn grays than ungrayed comments