Raineyb1013, Misfit Black Girl Island Denizen

Idiot, you cannot argue that you were preventing someone from harming themselves or others when they are literally not doing anything to anyone.

Not true. They could just have a referendum to go to a neutral committee who will set up districts by squaring off the correct number. It doesn’t need to be put to a district by district vote. They won’t use the referendum because they know they wouldn’t be able to choose their voters.

 They got that majority by getting rid of the gerrymander. The rest of the country needs to go this route as well.

Why exactly does the turd dropping in the grays thing that using a public servant’s (well ex-public servant’s) name to discuss the crimes he committed whilst on the public payroll is doxing?

Just for the record, no, if you want to call yourself white national you abso-fucking-lutely should not be living with us. You’re a goddamn savage who needs to be put down like the rabid dog you are rather than spamming my fucking inbox with your racist drivel.

Have you? Because I’m sure that I have a lot more experience actually living here with said trains than YOU do.

She doesn’t have to work this hard at it; it’s not like Fox has standards or anything.

Shutting the fuck up costs nothing but people like that just can’t help but let everyone know just how little they think of certain other people.

Exactly. The surprising part is that it took them 2 days of him being on the job to find it. I suppose it’s better than the usual when they’ve been on the job for decades. I would be more impressed if they actually did a damn background check before hiring these dickheads but let’s be real, they don’t really want to

I think when they say “nobody knew” they mean nobody that cops give a fuck about knew. It looks like the entire neighborhood knew because this bitch was constantly calling the cops on the kids for no reason. She’s actually known for how nasty she is.

Exactly. People are under the impression that they can just let their racist freak flag fly.

I would not be surprised if the idiot racists did not in fact scrub their social media.

Do they not do background checks before hiring a motherfucker? Because a basic search of his social media should have caught this.

Prayer - how to do nothing while saying you did something.

That’s what happens when the prosecutor isn’t that interested in trying the case. Maybe we’ll get lucky and someone will beat her to death in jail or something. 

Gore would have won if they recounted the whole of Florida. The supreme court deliberately did not allow that count to happen. A good part of the reason for that is because Sandra Day O’Connor wanted to retire. This was a straight partisan decision (which wasn’t supposed to be precedent) which set precedent for more

They didn’t have hair and makeup resources because for decades they’ve been allowed to only hire subpar makeup and hair artists who didn’t know what to do with our hair. Imagine being considered competent where there’s an entire group of people whose basic needs you can’t fill because you literally know jack shit

Out of the nine demands the organization crafted, including a public apology from Godlewski, it’s unclear which ones have been met by the university.

Indeed. It’s easy to throw a case when the prosecutor couldn’t give a fuck about putting the person in prison. See Fatfuck Zimmerman.

It’s been like “Herman who?” Then again you can’t drag a corpse around to try to claim Black people are lying can you?