Raineyb1013, Misfit Black Girl Island Denizen

Please dismiss the racist troll who some idiot let out of the grays.

Your racism is not facts. 

Same. I have a friend there who for years would tell me I should go. I always said no. Now it’s more like hell to the motherfucking no.

It already has been and the same people sending this Karen money refuse to see how she was wrong.

How is the loss progressives fault?

Or we can get rid of it as it’s likely unconstitutional and only becomes a problem when Democrats are in office.

Not to mention common sense.

Oh, did the rancid bitch get put out there? Good! 

And as if anyone needed proof that you’re right the shitheads in the grays come out to be exactly the pieces of shit that seem to be taking over the comments section. There is more racist gray commentary than commentary from decent people. And that’s not counting the assholes who should be in gray but someone keeps

All the violence seems to come from the white bitch. Why would you assume that Ms. Owens would be at all at fault for her own murder? Furthermore, how is someone attacking someone’s children not starting/escalating a situation?

That was Kansas I think.

This is some bullshit. How the fuck are you an “imminent threat” when the goddamn door hasn’t been opened. Are Black people able to shift their molecules so that they can phase through the fucking door? Yet unable to do that to keep some piece of shit racist Karen from murdering her?

If he says he doesn’t see systemic racism he’s either a fucking idiot liar or blind as hell. I don’t see a seeing eye dog by his side or a cane in his hand.

Meh, none of these games make my list of things I want to do on my computer with my limited free time.

“There’s no evidence that she was being the agressor” says the trolls.

Yeah, no. FOH!

Wasn’t the initial bond something like 1000 and then it was bumped up to something proper after the outrage?

Are you really surprised at how this is? The carceral state is basically an extension of slavery (what with them leaving a loophole in the 13th amendment and then passing all kinds of bullshit laws that they targeted Black people for enforcement) and the people who were subjected to this kind of experimentation and

He had the bike as he had ridden it in from the Bronx. He had it docked while standing with it to recharge it a bit before turning to go back. He has a membership where he can ride it for 45 minutes before incurring more charges so he docked it to recharge it and reset the time.

Wow! That did not age well AT ALL.