Raineyb1013, Misfit Black Girl Island Denizen

1. As much as I am for unions I don’t think police unions should exist. They do nothing but make sure that there is ZERO accountability and they lock that lack of accountability into their contracts and politicians are loathe to do anything that cops don’t like (while screwing over nurses, teachers and other people

Bitch, if I thought that the idiot had anything remotely worthy of adding to the conversation I would have just replied to the racist, troll motherfucker.

It’s not like she even had to put too much effort into overseeing what he texted. They park people into these planes like sardines. She was right there.

Not after they google his rancid ass.

You can kiss my Black ass Prick Sanchez, you’re a racist ass clown and as far as I am concerned you can choke on a box of dicks. You and that clown that hangs out with you can both go drown in the river Styx.

1. These pigs aren’t serious about holding anyone accountable (like it was even a plausible consideration) Suspended with pay? What kind of bullshit is that? When you’re home and are still getting paid, that’s not a punishment; that’s a vacation.

How much did she have to do to “eavesdrop” considering he was right on top of her while sending this text. You don’t even have to turn your head to see that kind of shit especially if they were making no effort to hide it.

Oh that’s cute, the troll wants to accuse me of being a bigot and saying that this bitch can’t read because she’s Hispanic. No fool, I’m saying she can’t read because she’s a right-winged idiot. You’re the only one who mentioned her ethnicity, pendejo.

Why the fuck do I have dipshits telling me that someone had a carry permit after I just went through talking about the lack of standards for such a thing?

Let me get this straight, a state which has basically zero standards for gun ownership or carry permits knew to charge someone for murder because they shot someone in the back; but when a cop, who presumably has more training and ought to know better, does the same they think it’s just another day ending in -y.

How long do you think it took for the cops to scrub their colleague’s social media so people can’t find his ass?

Just popping in here to say that we ought not forget that just because one may agree with Rick Sanchez and Billber about the quality of writing doesn’t mean that they’re not racist ass trolls who should NEVER be let out of the grays.

How is this bitch going to be involved in her kid’s education of she can’t fucking read?

Try reading for comprehension. He did not actually show anything. It was redacted (Clearly meant to hide the fact that his client was trying to snatch a bike from underneath the boy using it.) He deliberately demanded that it not be published (because he knew damn well it didn’t exonerate him) but all you racist ass

Someone linked to an article of her on The Grio and I was like, why am I not following her on Twitter. So now I follow and look at the goodies I get!


Coverup implies an attempt to conceal. They’re not hiding this shit.

If you think being large is an excuse for this fuckery I don’t know what to tell you. But the only people who refuse to try are those who are not targeted by the cops in the first place. Your lack of fucks is noted; you can fuck off now.

You think there’s going to be an investigation?

Burn it down and start anew from the ashes. American policing is fermented dogshit and there’s no redeeming it. Find those countries that manage not to shoot a bunch of people every year, who actually deescalate, and use them to rebuild something here.