Raineyb1013, Misfit Black Girl Island Denizen

This isn’t the first time she’s had this problem. I daresay it won’t be the last either.

Citi Bike Karen had something to say and it turned out to be complete and utter bullshit. Ya’ll can stop trying to come at me like I didn’t know Karen bullshit when I saw it.

His story is finally coming out (since the media had ZERO inerest in hearing it) and it turns out that we were right about this bitch from jump.

The plot thickens. Monique Judge, you remember her yeah? She interviewed the boy’s family so there’s another video further explaining how this Karen literally stole the bike from a boy who was using it.

Unfortunately, you are correct.

Maybe her PR person isn’t decent. <shrug>

Why are these fucking incels constantly sweatin me? Bobby I will never ever fuck you in a million years. Fuck off and don’t ever talk to me again.

If by for profit you mean that the prison profit off of misery, then yes they are. However, some prisons are actually run by companies expecting to make a profit off of running them whereas the ones run by the government rent out their prisoners as laborers, make deals with companies to extort ridiculous sums for

Taylor has a problem with her proximity to white supremacy that she looks to be trying to at least appear to be distancing herself from.

What he’s saying is that Taylor Swift wouldn’t have looked at her twice if not for the PR need. Nothing to do with her talent and everything to do with the lack of color in Taylor Swift’s world in my opinion.

If you need to constantly rip off your customer base to make money I’d say there was something wrong with your business model.

That is true but generally medical assessments are done and I fi d it hard to believe that they had zero information. 

I swear there must be some Jezebeckies or something starring this shit because it should have never come out of the grays. Unfortunately at least one troll is out of the grays and it only takes one troll to take dumb shit out of the grays to allow it to be bumped up by assholes who don’t even post here.

Here’s the thing, people talk in the areas they talk and they used the framing from which they were using to make their arguments. I don’t talk to just anyone about racial shit because most people are stupid and they end up gaslighting you. I did talk about it quite a bit here. And I think it was made quite clear here

Why do trolls insist on me explaining shit to them that didn’t happen?

If I remember correctly, they didn’t even bother to get Central Park Karen on this law when they could have.

The lawyer was to deal with her employer NY health and hospitals. Probably union provided I’m pretty sure they’re unionized. The idiot popped up on Twitter recently only to delete all his tweets.