Raineyb1013, Misfit Black Girl Island Denizen

Speaking of receipts, it just turned up on Twitter. One of the boys (because apparently at least one of them is a minor) sister put out a video. Of course not being white or having a shady ass lawyer I suspect this won’t go as far as the white liar with the fraudulent GoFundMe campaign.

A rock that’s been under a bridge at that.

Are you referring to the idiot on the TV or the idiot in the grays who spouts that idiocy?

This is what white supremacy and fascism look like. Trust and believe that if a Black person had a problem with some racist fuckery in a book that book wouldn’t be going anywhere and they’d say that they couldn’t remove a book because a “small number” of parents object to it.

The argument isn’t bad at all. This woman acted a whole ass fool and was caught on camera doing so. What exactly was done to her to warrant that level of fuckery in her behavior? Not a fucking thing. In fact SHE was the one being aggressive in that video not that anyone has used that word to describe her.

Is it a for profit prison? I wouldn’t be surprised but I figured county jail it was run by the government paid asshats. Not that it makes a difference in how horrific this shit is.

It’s not just those shitty guards that need to be going to prison. They have medical staff; how the fuck can someone get THIS bad unless the medical personnel are turning the other way and ignoring this criminal behavior. Their licenses should be revoked!

You have absolutely NOTHING to say here unless it’s to shit on Black people. So yeah, I’m calling your racist ass out for coming up in here to spread  more of your white (not at all supreme) supremacist fuckery.

And still they bleat on as though this woman’s behavior wasn’t horrible. Any excuse for white fuckery will do apparently. Of course we can’t see things like dates because it was redacted but we’re supposed to trust and believe it wasn’t tampered with. This perfectly shady white woman couldn’t possibly be suspect right?

Exactly. But instead they are just looking for more ways to ignore the Carolyn behavior and act as though those young men were somehow doing something wrong. (Aside from merely existing that is) It’s the Carolyn behavior that’s the problem the claim of receipts doesn’t change that.

Of course a critical mass of people online aren’t going to agree with me, most white people refuse to see what the fuck the point is and are quick to demonize Black people and are using this to bolster their already racist leanings. This entire shitshow has brought out so many of the goddamn racist trolls that I’m

This bitch is raising money based on a fraud but I’m an asshole for reporting said fraud. White supremacist logic proves how not supreme they are.

This bitch needs to keep Jamal Bowman’s name out of her motherfucking mouth.

Would it kill you not to cape for the resident white supremacist?

The caucacity of Ted Cruz to argue with MLK’s child about what her father would think about something. Par for the course of course but damn!

Or if it doesn’t interest you, you can move on and mind your fucking business.

We still don’t know that she actually rented the damn bike. All we have is a lawyer claiming to have a receipt which he won’t allow to be published and can’t be verified and appears to be more of a screenshot than an actual receipt.

And yet you just did. Why are you backing the fucking troll?

Still running with that bullshit line? Has the lawyer told you what else you should believe today without actual proof?