Raineyb1013, Misfit Black Girl Island Denizen

I make a lot of posts about a lot of things. It’s just that you racist assholes only come around when you’re looking to shit on Black people en masse. Feel free to fuck off and go back to the rock you crawled out from under. I hope it falls on you and further damages you permanently.

I said fuck off troll.

LOL! The dumb fuck thinks that white conservatives don’t abort.

Your obsession with bothering Black people is a problem. Fuck off troll.

There are no fucking receipts. There’s a claim and not a goddamn thing that has been verified. You have the word of a lawyer who won’t let the receipt be published and a news outlet doing a shit job of informing the public saying they saw something that claimed to be a receipt.

She hasn’t shown any fucking receipts so why the fuck should he. He tried to show her on the video and she snatched his motherfucking phone. But apparently you think it’s okay for white women to snatch up young Black men’s phones while pulling a Carolyn because you’re a racist asshole and always have been. Why the

She did NOT produce a receipt. Her lawyer is pushing something he is claiming is a receipt but isn’t actually putting it out there for the public to see and you assholes are taking his word as gospel and talking all kinds of shit.

I made it a point to report this shitty GoFundMe. I suggest others do the same.

That’s why his ass should never be out of the grays. He’s a fucking spammer loading the comments with useless shit.

And yet you still think you can police what Black people say, think, and do. Fuck off Billber. I was talking about this bitch the Citibike Carolyn (which is how I will refer to her from now on.) Idiot.

Because apparently the idiots don’t want to hear from a Black woman about how problematic Karen was maybe they’ll listen to a white man saying the same damn thing:

Because I don’t ungray trolls I’ll answer here.

I think that the fact that the cops let him go on his merry way is certainly telling about whose lives are valued in this country. I also think that the fact that they talked about an obvious crime victim as though he were the criminal while talking about a white criminal (One of the TN mass shooters) as though he

Why is it that making people uncomfortable is the goal when focusing on white women as victims but it’s verboten when focusing them as perpetrators?

You just knew he was a criminal without knowing a fucking thing about his record (which shouldn’t have been made public to dehumanize him in the fucking first place.) So I figured you must have some way of knowing someone’s a criminal by looking at them since you’re basing shit on information you’d have no way of

So this is where we’re going again? Someone does some foul shit that shows an anti-Black bent they go on some media to declare that they aren’t in fact some kind of bigot and we’re supposed to take their word for it?

Except he wasn’t threatening anyone (except possibly himself) and you can see someone is a violent criminal by looking at them? How?

Well apparently, if you go out or have your lawyer go out and claim you’re not racist that it makes it a fact.

I’m sorry, are you under the impression that the right actually values Black lives?
