Raineyb1013, Misfit Black Girl Island Denizen

What theft? He said he paid for it. What you have is two people having a dispute over a rental bike only one of them is being aggressive whilst claiming victimhood. That is the problem. The receipts (if they even exist which we still have no proof of) are irrelevant. This was a squabble over a rental bike and she was

Lawyer says X.

I’m defending a group of young Black men who are being accused of criminal behavior because a white woman’s lawyer claims to have receipts he hasn’t actually produced.

Funny that you include a link to an article basically making the argument that you ignore when I make it.

We both know that law enforcement is the biggest gang in town.

Of course this isn’t the only time something happened that they covered up. That’s what cops do, cover for each other which is part of the reason why they can kill with impunity in the first place.

Interesting the number of “experts” on Citi bikes who are showing up but apparently don’t know that there’s no such thing as riding a bike side saddle.

Yes, the spat is petty so why is this white woman screaming as though she’s beeing murdered crying these fake ass tears?

I’m not calling her a Karen because she can’t mind her own business. I’m calling her a Karen for her fake ass tears and her weaponization of her white womanhood and her trying to call a gun (cops) over a petty ass dispute over a fucking bike.

What part of “go fuck yourself” makes you think this “discussion” isn’t over.

You know how it goes, to -er people like this, being called a racist is worse than actually being racist. Sounds about white.

Being a brown immigrant doesn’t make you immune to making excuses for white fuckery.

The fuck you did! You took the word of some smarmy lawyer about a receipt that he claims exists to make it seem as though the young men were doing something wrong. Meanwhile her basically trying to call a gun in for a dispute over a fucking bike which is why she is being called a Karen in the goddamn first place, you

I wasn’t assuming credit card receipts. To be honest the so-called receipt (which really isn’t a receipt) really doesn’t matter except for the claim of its existence suddenly having people making all kinds of uncharitable claims about the young men she argued with.

And how many hours of your day do you spend making excuses for white fuckery?

1. There’s no refunding zero dollars.

Oh so not only am I supposed to take the word of her crappy lawyer but we’re not actually seeing receipts?

She was the one acting the fool so I am well within logic and reason to give the one not acting the fool the benefit of the doubt.

The travel distance isn't in dispute.  Your excuse making for her weaponization of her whiteness is. 

We already have the evidence of her shit behavior. Even supposing that this receipt is credible, it doesn’t change the shit that happened on that video. She still weaponized her white womanhood in a way that was dangerous to the teens around her.