Raineyb1013, Misfit Black Girl Island Denizen

How convenient. And I suppose your expectation is that I give the white woman who has already demonstrated her willingness to weaponize her white womanhood the benefit of the doubt despite her previous demonstration of fuckery?

Did you read your link? Because Citi bike apparently charges for a flat rate for half an hour than 26 cents per additional minute.

That was what I was thinking. Rentals usually rent based on time. 

Actually, it shows she may be adept at Photoshop, Canva, Gimp, or any of the many photo manipulation software out there which given the already known fact that she’s a fake crier isn’t really a stretch at all. This proves absolutely not a fucking thing other than there’s a whole lot of people who are looking to rescue

It would be hilarious if it weren’t so fucking pathetic to see the very predictable usual suspects coming up in here talking all kinds of smack because a Karen claimed to pay (like she claimed she needed help another damn lie) because she said she paid. Meanwhile, no payment was taken.

What receipt? It shows it didn’t charge her. Therefore there was no payment and the bike was not here.

I don’t like zombie games so it’s not really my thing. I did watch a bit of it. Meh. I remember the fatalities being a new thing back when Mortal Kombat originally came out but I didn’t find it as graphic as fatalities are now.

The levels of gore may have been pushing it for 1992 and even then not by THAT much given Highlander was already a thing by then, but it’s nothing compared to what they put out these days.

I will cosine on that point.

All this shit for extra credit. Why the hell is dressing up like these clowns worth extra credit? Especially given the state isn’t all that interested in teaching ACTUAL history.

White supremacy is also fascistic at its core as well which probably explains why so many people think Antifa, which stands for anti-fascist, is more of a threat than the white supremacists out there.

Is Musky trying to imply that he is Professor X to Soros’ Magneto? Because that analogy just doesn’t wash.

I wouldn’t say the dog is dumb. I’m sure the dog is quite well trained to take cues from its racist ass handler. On the other hand, I’m not nearly as sure that the dog can sniff out any damn drugs.

These motherfuckers stay looking for ways to be out and out racist and the idiots in the grays will continue to defend their fuckery.

I think they could have gotten him on the 1st degree manslaughter as it’s hard to argue that choking someone out isn’t meant to harm them. (At least for people with damn sense.) To be honest, I’m not sure why they didn’t go for both with 2nd degree as a back up.

It’s so funny how when we have stories of white people having mental problems the same people who are currently blaming the family members for why a grown man was in the subway and not in their home will blame the system for why this poor struggling white family couldn’t get control of their loved one.

Welp! One step toward doing the right thing. Thank God NY doesn’t have kill Black people for no goddamn reason laws aka stand your ground.

Why are they hiding the identity of the dog owner? Was it another cop? This stinks big time!

I was talking about his family but to blame them as if this is their fault? No, that’s bullshit which is what one expects from your stupid ass.

Erasing history is exactly what this critical race theory hysteria is all about. You don’t even have an option to study it until graduate school but these motherfuckers are lying and claiming it’s being taught everywhere when what they really object to is people actually understanding history, not lying about how