Raineyb1013, Misfit Black Girl Island Denizen

Must we do this shit?

You can shut the fuck about the FAMILY about whom I was speaking now shit for brains.

It makes absolutely NO sense to try to placate people by talking about how $70 isn’t as much with inflation while wages are stagnant and their buying power is diminishing.

You clearly know jack and shit about my geography much less my ideology.

What if the family did more? What a very American attitude. This is the type of thing people should be able to turn to the government for help with because it’s bigger than a family but of course the blame goes directly to them.

Except the FBI already has the stats that is telling them that we have a right wing white male terrorist problem and they refuse to do anything about it. It’s much easier for them to target Black and brown people having the temerity to demand to be treated decently than to go after Nazi motherfuckers who are not

I’m sure you haven’t learned much. You certainly aren’t demonstrating that you’ve learned to read since I’m pretty sure I did NOT say what you’re implying I said.

It’s not telling at all. There are plenty of Black and POC white supremacists who act accordingly all the fucking time. One of them has been taking bribes while sitting his nasty ass on the court for 30 fucking years.

He’s a shit mayor, much more suited to the cops who frankly run away from living in the city every chance they get.

It’s not about hate but fear run amuck.

Agent Orange Foolius got elected because he let Middle America know that he hates the same people they do with the same fervor and couldn’t be arsed to pretend even to run for office.

My condolences.

There’s a post on the Economic Policy Institute that is saying the same but they are more thorough than an editorial from Forbes claiming it’s a myth. <shrug> I don’t actually have time to find proper studies as I’m at work and have to do the job I’m paid to do.

They always do. It’s as if they don’t think that things can change and that we can’t see what’s right in front of us.

I would ask if there were something wrong with your fingers but given that you’ve taken time to demand sources I’m going to assume that you’re just lazy.

They should be wearing a pitcher of whatever beverage they ordered only these assholes would probably call the cops on you and claim you assaulted them.

It’s hard to reasonably expect people to get excited about voting for someone when that person can’t seem to muster up a fuck to give about their issues.

Except this current inflation has been exacerbated by corporate greed. That’s not an urban legend that’s a fact supported by economics.

That’s how the law works idiot. So go “wow” prosecutors who have been known to toss murder charges (and make them stick) based on that very logic.

But you are not me and given that you’re attempting to put words in my goddamn mouth I will say what the fuck I think without your interpretation fuck you very much.