Raineyb1013, Misfit Black Girl Island Denizen

I’m pretty sure that the Egyptian government had jack shit to say when the very white Elizabeth Taylor played Cleopatra. They can miss me with this mess now.

The answer to what question? Do you know of a pathetic useless tool of white supremacy who hasn’t figured out he’s being used and Black people don’t respect him?

I’d say that choke hold was premeditation. It doesn’t have to be plotted over hours or even minutes to become premeditation in the eyes of the law.

Really? Because a white man’s inability to mind his goddamn business and leave a Black person alone is pretty much standard American racism at work. And yelling on the subway is not a criminal offense worthy of putting your fucking hands on someone about much less choking them to death over.

Two minutes is still too damn long and this prick had to know it. It does not change the fact that this motherfucker is lying when he claims he didn’t mean Mr. Neely harm. He absolutely the fuck did mean him harm or he wouldn’t have put him in a fucking chokehold in the first place. The NYPD Pigs aren’t even supposed

People have died in less than that 2 minutes. He used a choke hold for longer than was “safe.” That motherfucker knew what he was doing could be lethal and didn’t care.

Daniel never intended to harm Mr. Neely and could not have foreseen his untimely death.

That just makes you an asshole who doesn’t care about workers at all regardless of industry. That’s not the flex you seem to think it is.

I don’t see the scapegoating being done to Ms. Ortega either so to be honest, this seems to be more of a tempest in a shit-stirring teapot than an actual storm.

You know that when people hover over your name they can see your actual username regardless of what you call yourself don’t you billber?

The crime rate is NOT skyrocketing. If you want skyrocketing crime find your nearest red city. Ya’ll always want to try to depict cities with Black people in them as cesspools of crime while ya’lls cousins are doing meth everywhere they can find a corner to crawl in.

They mean Black and loud.

There is no way to safely choke someone; if you use a choke hold you are well aware you may kill someone and don’t give a damn.

Exactly how did I skip over the parts when I specifically said exactly what it is that should have been done in the first place? Who do you think I’m talking about with my complaints about trying to work with people who refuse to do the same? You think I expect a fucking thing from the rabid racist dogs of the Republic

I don’t know what timeline/planet you’re currently residing in/on but you cannot go on about working with people who have absolutely no interest in doing so and have made that disinterest very clear.

Lovely. It’s so cute when people who are economically illiterate but also racist as hell come up in here talking about “social welfare” programs like Social Security and Medicare.

Samhain would do better to jump into rush hour traffic but that would require a sense of decency that it lacks.

Imagine being such a depraved fuck that you cape for cops who get off easy. Go fuck yourself you pissy little eunuch.

Leaks tend to start in the factory so why are they coming after the final purchaser (who apparently was purchasing something similarly named that is actually available for sale?)

You say that like it’s a bad thing.